chapter 4 - gossip

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(Last chapter ended with everyone agreeing to watch a horror movie :))

We all started watching the movie, we agreed to watch "Annabelle chapter one" (it's actually so good i love the Annabelle movies) and shut it was so fucking scary. I accidentally jumped into Johnnie at literally every jump scare and I got as embarrassed everytime😭
Jake and Tara fell asleep after like half the movie and I don't even know how they could sleep when the world's fucking scariest movie was on, Johnnie seemed to like the movie quite a lot since he were so focused on the tv which was pretty good, I could look at him as much as I wanted without him even noticing.
As I sat next to him on the couch literally just admiring his beauty his eyes shifted towards me.

"what are you looking at?" Johnnie asked me looking all confused.
"uh uhm ehh.." I mumbled, I literally didn't get words out of my mouth and I bet my face was all red, how embarrassing!!
Johnnie looked at me with a confused eye and u tried to speak again.
"I was just looking at you sorry" I finally said.
Why the fuck would I say that, he's gonna think I'm so fucking creepy oh my god my thoughts would not stop spinning but Johnnie just nodded and continued to what the movie, I could breathe out.

I think I ended up falling asleep on the couch because when I woke up Jake and Johnnie were gone and I laid beside to Tara in the couch. I grabbed my phone and looked at my Home Screen to see the time, 09.38am. Great. I woke Tara up and we decided to head to the kitchen.
When we get up from the couch and walk over to the kitchen we see Jake and johnnie trying to cook breakfast and the kitchen is a literal mess, me and Tara laughed out loud and Jake turned around.
"Hello there beautiful ladies" Jake said in his mom voice with a smirk. Me and Tara just said good morning and sat down by the table waiting for Jake wne Johnnie to finish cooking food, well mostly Jake tried to cook as Johnnie just stood next to him yelling😭

—————————time skip———————————

It's currently 12.04pm and me and Tara are heading over to her place for a sleepover and gossip talk since we haven't hung out just us in like so long, to be all honest I am so so so so very very exited!!!!!!

Me and Tara get in her pink car and drive over to hers, I was still wearing johnnies clothes and had my dress in my hands. I didn't even think of the fact that I'm in clothes that are literally from the most handsome emo aah boy I've EVER seen.
As Tara started her car I was ready to confess about my crush on Johnnie actually saying I am lowkey in love..

"Tara?" I ask
"Yeah what's up?" She says as she pulls out from the drive away.
"I think I'm literally in love with Johnnie even tho we've only talked like three times, he's just so handsome and sweet" I say as I look down and catch myself smiling like craaaaazy.
"OH MY GOD???, I knew that you find Johnnie a little cute but a real crush?????" Tara yells out in excitement.
The whole drive to Tara's we chatted about if Johnnie likes me back or not, well Tara tried to convince me he did and I kept rejecting her.

(I just realised from last chapter Tara didn't have her car but whatever let's just pretend she did 😁)

As she arrived to Tara's place all I could even think of was if I like johnnie or if I'm just being silly and craving a crush since I've been single like fooooooreveeeeer.
We anyways got into Tara's house and sat down in the couch and just talked.

(T:Tara, y/n: you, they are talking not texting obv😭)

T:sooo tell me more about your feeling toward Johnnie I'm interested
Y/n: well I don't even know if I like him, I've been single for like years so what if I'm just craving a crush on someone? I don't know.
T: hmm I don't know, I think we should definitely tell Jake about this anyways!!
Y/n: no oh my god Tara don't you dare he's literally going to tell johnnie right away!!!!!
T: but I'll make him promise he won'ttttt please y/n!!! Maybe he can ask johnnie about you or something!!!
Y/n: okay fine!
Tara gets up from the couch and runs to get her phone and she texts Jake.
She stays silent for a minute while typing.
"What did you write??" I ask trying to peak over her shoulder to see.
"Oh I just asked if Johnnie was close by his phone and he said no asked why, IM SO EXCITED AAAAA" Tara smiles
I laugh and she starts typing, "omg Jake I need you to promise you won't tell Johnnie but y/n finds Johnnie cute and she thinks she miiiiight like him.." Tara reads out loud and presses "send".
"Seen" it said under the message.
"I'm literally shitting bricks I'm so scared" I said curled up right next to Tara
"No don't worry girl Jake said he's going to ask Johnnie about you and he even promised he won't tell him about this conversation" Tara says comforting me.
I'm still very very scared but I think im also happy that Jake is going to talk about me to Johnnie because he might actually find me at least a little pretty since we have kind of off the same style ect but the "what if"- thoughts start crippling up on me.. What if he just thinks I'm creepy? What if he thinks I'm just some weird friend of Tara's? What if he thinks I'm ugly? I try to shake it of but the thoughts won't leave me alone.
Tara hugs me as she sees the worries in my eyes and tbh it helped a little.


This chapter is just a filling chapter but next one is going to be johnnies pov and a little more exciting. Sorry loves 🌸

wordcount: 1044

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ME AND YOU? || johnnie guilbert x female reader Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz