chapter 23 - secrets

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I woke up in my bed with Johnnie's arms around me. It was 7am and I can't fall back asleep. It's no idea to wake Johnnie up, he's probably so hungover. I wonder why I'm not, I did drink a few drinks last night.
I carefully get up from bed trying to not wake Johnnie up and make my way into the bathroom.

I get into the bathroom and wash my face down with cold water. I walk out from the bathroom and lay down at the couch and put on the tv.

hours later Johnnie finally wakes up.
"ughhh" he groans when he walks out from the bedroom. "I'm so hunover I'm gonna die" he complains.
"drink a glass of water and shower, you'll feel better" i say. I walk up to him and give him a long hug.
"my mom has called me, I'll call her back now" he says when he pulls away from the hug.
"Mhm" I nod, smiling. I go back to the couch and keep on scrolling on my phone. I try to think of a new video I could post since It's been a while.

"Y/n! I got good news!" Johnnie shouts from the other room.
"What?!" I shout back and he walks into the living room where I am.
"My mom wants me to come visit and you're coming with me" He smiles.
"Oh my god that's so fun" I smile back. "When are we leaving?" I ask.
"Tomorrow night, if that's okay" he says.
"Yep" I smile again.
"I'll go book the plane and stuff" he says, giving me quick kiss on the forehead and sits down by the kitchen table with his computer.
(A/n: I have no idea where his mom lives so yeah I'm just not going to mention where)

*time skip till the next day*

"you're still not done with your packing?" I ask Johnnie, we're literally leaving to the airport in an hour and he hasn't packed everything yet.
"I'm done now, calm down it's okay" he says, closing the suitcase. We were only staying for two days but yet we both packed so much stuff.

We took an Uber to the airport I have decided I was going to vlog our way to there because I need to update my YouTube.

"Hey everyone, today me and Johnnie are going to meet his mom so I'll be doing a vlog all the way" I smile to the camera once we got into the Uber.
"Yeah we're in the Uber now" Johnnie adds. I put down the camera for the rest of the ride.

When we arrive at the airport around 15 minutes later we have around 1.5h before the flight boards. We go through all the security and check in our luggage.

Finally when we enter the actual airport I'm ready to go shopping in the tax free, my favourite part. I grab my camera again and continue with my vlog.
"we just went though all the security and I'm going to spend all my money in the tax free!!" I laugh to the camera, Johnnie stands awkwardly next to me. He seems oddly sad and nervous.
I quickly put my camera down.
"Are you alright?" I ask.
"Yeah I'm fine I'm just nervous. What if my mom doesn't like you?" He says, looking down at the floor.
"It's going to be alright, promises" I reassure him. I try to act like I'm not nervous, but I am. It's best not to tell Johnnie that tho, he'll just be more anxious.


Me and y/n were walking around the tax free area, well mostly I walked behind her while she smelled all perfumes and tried like 400 make up products. I couldn't focus what she's saying though, I'm too nervous. The truth is that my mother doesn't know that I'm bringing y/n with me, y/n doesn't even know I have a brother and sister who's also going to be there. I can feel this is going to be a mess, already.

After what feels like forever the flight is about to board, y/n is still vlogging, mostly pn her own if I'm not saying something.
We found our gate and show our passports to the security dude and enter the plane. We find our seats and sit down.

Just when the plane leaves the ground y/n grips my hand and squeezes it.
"This is so scary" she says, squeezing her eyes shut and keeps my hand in hers.
Once we're in the air she breaths out and lets go of my hand.
"Sorry" she says, kinda embarrassed.
"Don't apologise you're so cute" I say. "That was so cheesy I'm sorry" I blurt out before she answers and she starts laughing.
"It was" she laughs.

The flight goes on and y/n fell asleep after like 10 minutes, she looks so peaceful and perfect when she's asleep.
I gently pat her head, running my fingers through her soft hair.
I hope my mom doesn't freak out about y/n and that my siblings are okay with it. I wonder why I didn't just mention it over the phone. My mom doesn't even know I've dated someone since Alex. Me and y/n have been going out for soon six months and I never said a word. I'm a horrible boyfriend and son.
No, I'm not. Am I?

Y/n wakes up just when the plane is landing. She grabs my hand just like she did before and squeezes her eyes shut again. I wonder why she does that.

We get up from our seats and leave the plane pretty quick after landing, we just needed to grab our bags and then order a Uber to my mother's house.
"That's our bags" y/n says and I help her grab them from the thing you get the bags from (no idea what it's called lolz)

I ordered the Uber and we got into it, telling the driver the address. At this point both me and y/n are so tired and we almost fell asleep in the Uber.

We arrive at the house and the anxiety kicks in.

Y/Ns pov:

We arrived at the house and Johnnie rang the doorbell. I'm kinda nervous but mostly excited.
A woman, who I guess is Johnnie's mom swings the door open.
"Oh my baby I missed you so much!!" She says, hugging Johnnie.
"Missed you to mom" he says. I stand they awkwardly, waiting for Johnnie to say something.
"You never told me you were bring a friend?" She says, looking me from top to bottoms.
"This is my girlfriend, y/n" Johnnie smiles and u put my hand up for her to shake. She meets my hand. Why didn't he tell me I was coming?
"Well that's cute, I'm Mary" she smiles at me.

We enter the big house and Johnnie leads us to the living room.
"Y/n this is Margaret and Josh, my siblings. Josh and Margaret this is y/n, my girlfriend" He says.
"hi y/n" they say in union before going back to being on their phones. I smile back at them and say hi. I'm kinda mad Johnnie didn't even tell his mother I was coming nor tell me he has siblings? Why is he keeping this from me?

First of all can yall tell I have no idea what I'm writing about? I suck at English words lol. Second of all this idea is not mine and I got inspired by another writer, shout out to you for you're reading 💞

Anyways a little drama in the chapter and more will be made. Also I wrote this on my phone and not computer so if it's messy and wrong spelled, ya know why.
Wordcount: 1311
Also yall I see your reading lists u add my story to and the names on them r so hilarious 😭😭😭

// author 🌸

ME AND YOU? || johnnie guilbert x female reader Where stories live. Discover now