chapter 5 - crush?

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(Last chapter ended with Tara texting Jake about y/ns little crush on johnnie)

I was laying in bed just being on my phone.
"JOHNNIE, JOHNNIE!!!" I heard Jake yell as he ran into my room.
"Yeah? What's up?" I asked Jake with a confused face.
"I think someone has a little little crush on youuuuu!!!" Jake yelled in his weird ass mom voice smirking at me. What the fuck?! Who could that possib- y/n? Oh my god what if y/n actually thinks I'm cute?
"what what what slow down Jake" I said looking probably even more confused. I was kinda deep in hoping he would say y/n..
"well well I promised Tara not to tell you but she just now texted me that y/n thinks you're a little cute and miiiiight like you" Jake said smiling. What? Y/n? Not gonna lie she is very very beautiful but I'd never think she'd be into you know, a fucking emo like me?
I sat quiet on my bed.
A few minutes passed by slowly..
"are you for real?" I ended up saying.
"Yes!!! Look here!!!" Jake yelled and handed me his phone. I entered the message app and red the conversation between Tara and Jake. I can actually not believe what I'm reading?
"Jake this is kinda insane cause you know I think y/n is very very pretty but-" I cut myself of and went quiet again.
"Well I guess you're kinda an attractive man" Jake said in a goofy voice ans sat down next to me in bed.

"As I said I find y/n pretty but I don't even know if I like her, but like i do cause I think of her and its just been so long since I've had a girlfriend I've like forgotten how it feels to be inlove" I said looking at Jake for some advice
"Well johnnie if you don't know maybe just ask her to hangout with you or ask her on a date just to feel if you like her" Jake said looking at me, I nodded and Jake left my room.

I knew what I was going to do, I'm going to ask y/n to go out on a date with me just as Jake said. I grabbed my phone and found y/ns number from the party when she put in my phone and went to text her. What do i like even say? Im not good at this at all.
I started typing.
"heyy y/n, It's johnnie I was just asking if you'd like to go out and get some food like tomorrow night?" My message said. I press "send" and literally throw my phone across the room.
*pling* my phone went, she already responded?
I walked up to get my phone and saw that it was only Jake who texted me because he apparently heard me throw my phone lol. I just ignored his message waiting for y/n to respond.
Ten minutes passed and my phone FINALLY lit up.
I looked at my homescreen and saw that she had replayed.
"hi johnnie!!! I'd love to go out with you!!!! Does 7 sound good?" Her message said, OH MY FUCKING GOD IVE GOT A (kind of) DATE!!!!!!!
I replied that 7 was a good time and I'll be at her house then.
I ran over to Jake in the living room yelling about what I texted her and what she responded and Jake said he was proud of me, and I can tell he really is happy for me.

It was starting to get late and I brushed my teeth and for once actually took my makeup off which i like never care to do.
As I got into bed all I could think of was y/n, she was actually so pretty when I thought about her and I was already feeling all nervous for our date, I've really missed this nervous-excited-happy feeling I have right now, even tho I am scared to fall inlove since my last relationship I might give y/n a chance, maybe she's worth it?
I quickly fell asleep.


Hey!!🌸 Sorry for no post yesterday lol I didn't really have time :((
Should I do more in Johnnies pov? Thought it was kinda fun to write but idk!!

Btw check my TikTok out i post like funny Jake and Johnnie content and some edits!! The user is Christopher.sturbilo (I can't change it til like 26th April lol)

Word count: 769 (sorry for such a short one)
// author 🌸

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