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Adhira's heart begins racing the moment the car pulls into the airport parking lot. The smell of jet fuel and taxi exhaust that combine to attack the senses with images of bizarre escapes.

Calmness takes over as Vikram steps beside her, intertwining their hands. As soon as the automated doors opened, a whiff of the vibrant colours clothes and the cacophony of sounds overwhelmed their senses.

At this early hour, the airport was such a splendid canvas for the twins of serene and chaos, usually felt all at once in a confusing bubble of exhilaration as it was filled with unseen faces hustling and bustling with their luggages to reach their destination while some were running with tearful eyes to the welcoming arms of their loved ones.

They walk hand in hand as crowd is what stands out to the eye, long queues at the check-in resemble to be the first hurdle as they wait patiently for their turn.

Finally after waiting for about half an hour in the long line, the impeccable dressed women behind the check-in counter grins at Adhira as she notices Vikram gently tugging her at his side protectively as the people would pass around to move ahead.

The women greets the couple with a gentle nod as she answers their queries, weighs their baggage and issues boarding passes.

After clearing the security check they head to the waiting area.

"You want something light to eat?" Vikram asks as he knew she hadn't eat anything except the fruits since morning due to her motion sickness.

"Nahi." She says, feeling uneasy in this crowded place, her social anxiety creeping up on her.

"You sure?" He confirms, in case she changes her mind but she just nods in response.

She sat lounged onto the sofa as she watched people restlessly wandering through the luggage and busily finding
their belongings.

She looked out from the glass wall on her left to the planes that left periodically and were soon replaced by planes descending steading on their tracks.

On the other hand, Vikram couldn't help but stare at her, getting lost in her soft features. As much as he liked her in traditional wears, he found her enchanting in westerns.

She was dressed in a baby pink oversized shirt and blue jeans. Her hair tied in messy
plaits, and her face devoid of any makeup, with just a tinted gloss on her lips.

Feeling thirsty, Adhira turned to ask for a water bottle but crimson blossomed across the apple of her cheeks as she caught him staring.

He quirked a brow as he asked "What?"

She was stunned with his boldness, he wasn't a bit of embarrassed when she caught him staring and here she was melting into puddle because of his intense gaze upon her.

She opened her mouth to ask for water bottle but words never came out of her mouth as they remained so tightly wrapped in raw emotion.

Her heart thumped as fast as galloping horses when frightening memories flooded her mind as she saw a similar figure standing just behind her husband.

He was casually cross-checking his luggage, unaware of the havoc he just caused.

Blood drained from her face as a lump formed in her throat. Ominous thoughts squirmed at the back of her mind as she broke out in a cold sweat and struggled to breathe.

Meanwhile, Vikram was left confused with the sudden change in her behaviour as the air around them thickened.

He glanced furtively over his shoulder to catch any clue of what just happened to her but turned instantly when he felt her standing up abruptly.

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