Chapter 6: Lenalee's Fear

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So yeah not going back to Crystal's POV just yet

Lenalee's POV

Even as I ran I couldn't get the thought of Crystal killing General Yeegar out of my mind.

She couldn't have! She's my friend, an Exorcist! She would never do something like that!

Tears streamed down my face as I ran. I sat down finally under a tree and cried into my hands.

"Lenalee... you stupid girl, why would you think she would be different than any other Noah?" A different voice of mine appeared in my head.

"Shut up!" I yelled begging my mind to not think like that.

"Just like your dream everyone is going to die because of the Noah Clan and Earl, why are you defending them." I shook my head harshly.

"No! Crystal isn't a member of the Clan of Noah! She's my friend!!!" I felt dizzy and sick. My mind was going blank.

No I can't pass out here!

I looked around and realized I had no idea where I was.

"Allen! Lavi!" I called but no response came, the sky was getting darker by the minute. "Allen!! Lavi!!" Still no response. My head was spinning and white specks crossed my vision.

Allen, Lavi...

I thought before I collapsed completely to the ground.

Allen's POV

We had been sitting out there for about an hour when I heard Lenalee's voice in my head calling me and Lavi.

"Lavi!" I got up quickly.

"What's wrong Allen?" I looked towards the direction from where Lenalee disappeared. No Akumas, but I felt worried all the same.

"Lenalee... I'm worried I feel like she's in danger." He got up more slowly and put his arms behind his head grinning.

"Are you sure you're not just overreacting?" I ran off without him. "Allen!" Lavi yelled after me, but I kept running until I was finally away from the town.

"Lenalee!" I called, but I didn't hear her. "Lenalee!!!" I started walking past some trees.

"Allen..." I turned sharply and saw Lenalee laying underneath a tree unconscious.

"Lenalee!" I grabbed her and shook her lightly. She opened her eyes slowly.

"Allen..." I picked her up and started walking back towards town.

"Why were you sleeping there?" I asked confused.

"I-I lost conscious..." I looked at her to make sure she wasn't hurt anywhere, but she had no scratches or bruises.

"Are you alright?" She smiled and nodded.

"Yes. Allen?" I looked at her as I carried her towards the inn. "Am I defending the Noah because I don't believe Crystal is like them?" I shook my head and smiled.

"No, you believe in Crystal. That's perfectly alright." She smiled lightly and then closed her eyes.

"Allen! Is she alright?" Lavi called from his bedroom window.

"Yeah!" I called up and walked her up to her room. "Get some rest." I said and laid her down in her bed.

"Goodnight Allen..." She whispered and I smiled back at her as I left.

"Goodnight Lenalee..."

The Noah of Pain (2nd book to His Weakness)Where stories live. Discover now