Chapter 15: Excuses

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So this chapter is Lavi's POV so there's going to be a chapter in between the training chapters.

Erza: Who is this Lavi?
Me: ummmm well it's hard to explain in just the opening of the chapter.
Happy: He liiiiiiiiiikes Crystal
Happy: I'm Happy, a flying talking cat from the Fairy Tail guild!
Erza: I'm Erza Scarlet, a Requip Mage from the Fairy Tail guild
Me: This has gotten way out of hand... can we just get on with the story?
Happy: Aye Sir!
Me: oh nothing...

Lavi's POV

The next morning I woke up with a yawn and stretch before heading down to the cafeteria to eat with everyone.

"Hey Lavi!" Lenalee called as I walked in. I looked around for Crystal, but she wasn't here.

"Hey guys, where's Crystal?" Lenalee shrugged her shoulders with Allen.

"Dunno, maybe she's still training with General Klaud Nine." I grinned.

"Yeah, I bet she's dying." The two laughed and that's when a hand slammed down on the table. I looked at up to see Yu standing there with his typical scowl on his face.

"She's in her room, she came in about a half hour ago. She looked like someone had kicked her across the training room all morning. Though if she's training with General Klaud Nine it's understandable." He explained and then turned leaving.

"Wait Kanda!?" Lenalee called after him, but he just kept walking and didn't look back.

"Well he's in a "cheerful" mood today. Why don't we go pay a visit to Crystal?" Allen suggested and I started dwindling my thumbs.

"Ummm well I would, but I just remembered the old panda asked me to do something for him." I got up and turned to leave when Lenalee grabbed my shoulder and started shoving me out the doorway with her and Allen.

"No excuses, Lavi." She said and I sighed inwardly. I really didn't want to see her right now.

"But guys, the old panda is going to give me a lecture if I don't do this." I groaned trying to lie through my teeth.

"I can tell when you're lying, Lavi." Lenalee said harshly before slapping me upside the head.

"Ow! Don't slap me!" I yelled rubbing my head.

"Then don't lie to me!" We finally stopped in front of Crystal's door and Allen knocked.

"What?!" I heard Crystal pretty much growl at us.

"It's Lenalee, Allen and Lavi." Lenalee explained and that's when we heard movement. A few seconds later the door opened and I saw the most exhausted Crystal I've ever seen.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm just really tired. General Klaud Nine's training is pretty brutal. Come in." She gestured for us to come in before she went to sit on her bed.

"What happened?" Allen asked.

"Well..." She explained and I honestly felt horrible for her.

"Crystal, that sounds horrible. She didn't let up on you did she?" Lenalee asked and she shook her head.

"I'm glad she didn't, I'm sick of being treated like I'm some fragile princess. I want to prove that I belong here and that no matter what this is where my loyalty lies. Not to the Earl, not to the Noah, to the Order, to the Exorcists." She clenched her fists together and I knew lately she'd had a hard time getting back to the way things use to be.

"Crystal, you are an Exorcist. I don't doubt where your loyalties lie, it may take everyone else a little while longer to realize it, but Lenalee, Allen, Yu and I know you belong here." I said and she smiled at me shyly.

"Thanks, Lavi." I looked away feeling my face get red.

"Well I have to go, but later you need to come get dinner with us it was a lonely breakfast." She smiled brightly at me as I got up.

"I will, thank you all for stopping by." Once I was out of the room I could feel my heart rapidly beating in my chest.

Just push through it for a little while longer, Lavi...

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