Chapter 24: Twin Exorcists

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So this chapter will be in Lavi's POV about Luke and Jake :)

Lavi's POV

It's been two months since Crystal left and it was weird not seeing her smiling face everywhere making someone laugh. Lenalee and Allen missed her a lot even though they understood why she had to be gone. Yuu was being even more angry than he normally was. It was strange to see so many people affected by her leaving.

"I wonder how she's doing..." Lenalee muttered as we sat at one of the tables in the cafeteria.

"I'm sure she's fine, Lenalee." Allen said trying to cheer her up, but failing none the less.

"I understand why she had to leave, but that doesn't change the fact that she's wandering the world with no protection. She could get hurt or worse..." We all looked down at that.

"Lenalee, Allen, Lavi, Kanda there's some people you'll have to meet. They were with General, I mean Crystal." Kumoi said coming into the room. We all rose quickly and followed him to the main area of the Order to see two boys who looked exactly alike.

"These are our two newest Exorcists Luke and Jake." They looked at me and grinned.

"You're the redhead she was talking about, she said to tell you hi." I laughed a little.

"Sounds exactly like her." I muttered and I believe it was Jake who came up to me.

"She your girlfriend or something?" I could feel my face getting red.

"No! Not at all! She's a friend!" I said quickly looking away.

"Oh... well from the way she talked about you it was almost like you were dating. She mentioned everyone else too, said we'd be training with one of you." Yuu stepped forward.

"That would be me." The two looked at him and flinched a little at his demeanor.

"And she told us to behavior around you?!" A golem was flying next to Kumoi, but in seconds it was next to Yuu.

"Yes I did. Now don't be rude!" Crystal's voice came through.

"Crystal!!!" Allen, Lenalee and I called.

"Hey guys! Don't worry I'm fine, a few close calls but I'm alive and well. I hope you treat Luke and Jake well. I have to go heading into China. Bye-bye!" The happiness in her voice made me smile.

I knew she loved being able to help this way. Yuu looked like he was annoyed that he had to train these two.

"You two better be able to keep up cause if not then you can just forget about training with me."

Ever pleasant...

"Yes sir..." They both groaned and followed him towards the training room.

"Well they seem friendly enough." Allen said.

"They're still new to the Order it must be crazy to go from living in a peaceful town in America to coming here to train to fight demons." Lenalee said.

"That's true." The old panda chose then to show up.

"I'd heard that there are two new Exorcists." We nodded and I looked towards the ceiling.

She said that she was alive and well... That's better than dead that's for sure...

"So Lavi?" It was later in the day and Lenalee thought it would be a good idea to invite Jake and Luke to eat with us. Jake was the one who called me.

"Yeah?" He smirked.

Oh no...

"Are you sure there's nothing going on between you and the General? I mean I understand if there's not, but it just seems like it." I shook my head and sighed.

"I'm known as a Bookmen, which is someone who records history. The rules I have are very strict. I can't fall in love that's the biggest one, so even if I did like her I couldn't be with her." They both grinned brightly.

"Ohhhhhh forbidden love!!!! That's the best kind of drama!" I groaned and slammed my head on the table.

These boys were going to be the death of me...

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