Chapter 38: Pain's Past

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Ooooooooooo fun title :)

I looked around as I got up from the ground.

"How are we alive...?" I wondered out loud as Lavi looked out at the now fully restored Ark.

"I don't know..." I hugged him tightly from behind.

"Lavi, I'm glad that you came back. I don't know what I would have done if you hadnt..." He turned to look at me and then tightly hugged me.

"I'm sorry I made you worry. I won't do it again, now come on let's go find the others." I nodded and grabbed his hand as we walked through the Ark looking for everyone. It was strange that the whole Ark that had been disappearing slowly was now completely restored as if nothing had happened.

"Lavi! Crystal!" We stopped and turned to see Chaoji rushing towards us. I hadn't really gotten a chance to talk to him much, but from what I was able to gather he was one of the surviving members from the ship. I hadn't paid much attention to the crew when I was aboard the ship which I now regret because they were all gone aside from Chaoji and two others.

"Chaoji!" Lavi said and let go of my hand. I looked around.

Come to the Musician's Room, Crystal...

That voice?!

"Crystal?" I looked at Lavi and saw he looked worried.

"What's wrong Lavi?" He frowned.

"You looked like you were spacing out, is everything alright?" I thought about the voice I had heard a second ago. It was the same voice I heard the night before I left the Ark. Is it possible that the 14th was calling out to me again? "Crystal?!" I was snapped back to reality again by Lavi grabbing my shoulders tightly.

"Y-yes...?" I stuttered. He frowned and then looked me dead in the eyes like he was trying to see into me to know what was on my mind.

"What's the matter? You keep zoning out it isn't like you at all." I sighed and then looked up at the sky of the Ark.

"I'm fine, this place just brings back a lot of bad memories for me that's all." I closed my eyes feeling like I was going to sink to the ground in seconds.

"Crystal?!" I opened my eyes again and this time the voice I heard wasn't Lavi's but Allen's as I appeared in the Musician's room once again.

"Hey Allen..." I muttered feeling dizzy.

Welcome back, Crystal... Come to the mirror and I will show you the truth of your past...

My legs moved without me willing them to and in a few seconds I was standing in front of the mirror on the other side of the room while Allen, Lenalee and General Cross stared at me confused.

"Crystal? Is everything alright?" Lenalee asked worried as she slowly came towards me.

"Stay back please..." I said quietly and saw the 14th's shadow standing there.

"What the heck is that?!" Lavi yelled as him, Chaoji, Kanda and Krory rushed in from a door that no doubt Allen created for them.

I'm the shadow of the 14th Noah, I go to those who have been given the legacy of the 14th... however this time I must speak to Crystal alone... for she must understand the truth behind her existence...

The shadow reached out from the mirror and grabbed me yanking me into the mirror as all my friends rushed to grab me. A sea of darkness surrounded me and when the dark finally faded I was standing in the middle of a field surrounded by thousands of dead bodies.

"Where am I?" I asked out loud and that's when a hand touched my shoulder, I turned to see the shadow of the 14th standing there.

This is the your past from centuries ago... Crystal you are the original Noah, you were the first Noah and thus you were unstable with your powers... to protect you the ruler of the heavens decided to wipe your memory of the times before your current life... though I believe that was wrong on her part, she made you vulnerable to being tricked by the Earl when the time came...

I looked around some more and saw that there was fire all around us. The whole field looked like a war had just taken place.

"Why does this place look like a massacre happened?" I asked confused.

You caused this... like I said you were unable to control your unstable powers and you caused the Blood Massacre in 1852... this was the turning point in your life where you were made to look like a holy being when really you were a weapon of mass destruction...

I gasped and dropped to my knees looking around at the bloody and destroyed field of bodies.

"How could I cause this much death and destruction? Is that all I am...? Death and Pain?" I felt tears stream down my face as I continued to think about all the pain and suffering I had caused these people and their families. I don't even remember doing it which is the worst part...

No you aren't just death and pain, you are also happiness and bliss... that's what the ruler of the heavens wanted was for a Noah who could bring peace but also stop a war if need be... you were created for the sole purpose of bringing peace to a world that is constantly ravaged by war... do you understand now why you are so important to the light, Crystal...?

I looked back and saw the shadow was gone, but I knew all too well that he was right. I had to bring peace and make up for the crimes I had committed and bring justice to those who deserved it. I had to stop the past from rewriting itself...

"Yes I understand now what I have to do. I want to protect the world that I cherish, it hasn't changed I may not have been able to control my powers in the past, but I can now. I have to bring peace to this broken and ravaged world and I will if it is the last thing I do..." I said and stood up facing the past I had no doubt faced before. "All I can do now is say I'm sorry and move on making sure that it never happens again." I turned my back to the past and headed into the bright white light that had appeared behind me. When I could finally see again after being blinded by those lights I saw Lavi and the others staring at me shocked.

"Crystal? Are you alright?" Lenalee asked again.

"I'm fine, I know now what I need to do to protect everything I care about..." They all looked at me confused and I just smiled back at the mirror. "Thank you for explaining who I am, it makes everything else that happened make perfect sense..." I muttered and then collapsed to the ground from exhaustion.

Even as my friends called my name I felt my eyes close and I slowly drifted off into sleep for the first time in a while...

The Noah of Pain (2nd book to His Weakness)Where stories live. Discover now