Chapter 11: A New Day

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:) I love Allen and Mana which is why the ending of the anime made me mad... I need to read the manga

When I had woken up the next morning I felt better than I had in days. I smiled and stretched before getting ready for the day.

I made my way to the dining room and sat down as everyone slowly gathered.

"You seem to be in better spirits today, Crystal." The Millennium Earl said happily as he walked in.

"Yes I feel much better." I said with a small smile.

"Crystal's back to normal!!" Road yelled hugging me.

"Road you don't have to yell I'm sitting right next to you." I said rubbing my now throbbing ear.

"Sorry, it's just you've been so down lately that I was worried." I smiled gently and touched her head.

"Thanks for worrying."

"Now that everyone is here I'd like you all to go greet some Exorcists." I leaned back in my chair, putting my feet on the table.

"Who do I get to play with?" I asked with a grin.

"Whoa, Crystal really is feeling better." Road said shocked that I had changed so much in the course of a night.

"Id like you to go after Tiedoll again, Crystal." I smiled darkly.

"This time I won't fail." I said getting up and leaving.

"Have fun!" Road called and I looked back.

"I plan to." I smiled and vanished on to a rooftop in I believe was Barcelona. I changed to look like a normal human and jumped down to the ground. I giggled as people walked down the street obvious of the threat that was here.

"General Tiedoll, we need to hurry up." I heard Kanda's voice and smirked.

I turned a corner to see Tiedoll, Kanda and Marie standing by an Art stand.

"So you're into painting, General?" They all turned. Kanda reached for his katana again. "Now, now Kanda I'm just engaging in conversation. No need to get so hostile." I said smiling.

"You're a Noah." I leaned against the wall.

"Well yes that's true..." He pulled his sword out and I saw people freeze. "Do you really want all these people to die? My Akuma are just a finger snap away."

"Tch!" He said putting his katana away again.

"Good boy. See you Exorcists can be trained." Tiedoll looked at me with a frown.

"My dear, is this really what you want? Light and darkness are two sides of the same coin. You have light I've seen it." I felt my heart pound once, quite painfully I might add.

You must look past the dark to see the light...

I remembered that voice from last night.

"What I truly desire..." I muttered and I saw the three look at me confused. "The curse of the 14th... why is it that you seem to know what I truly desire when I don't?" I continued to mutter completely forgetting the Exorcists.

"Curse of the 14th?" Tiedoll repeated wonderingly. I was shocked out of my daze when someone kicked a bell into my face.

"Son of a-!" I looked towards the source and saw a boy with a hood on, purple underneath his eyes, and him kicking a bell back and forth between his feet. "Do you want to die?!" I yelled and he grinned.

"Yeah maybe I do. You're the new Noah right? A lot cuter than I expected." I felt my face get red and I looked away. "Whoa, you can blush?" The boy got in my face and I backed away surprised.

The Noah of Pain (2nd book to His Weakness)Where stories live. Discover now