Chapter 9: Musician's Room

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Yes there is actually an Ark for the Clan of Noah.

I walked through the doorway to the Ark and looked around at the white houses and tower in the distance.

This place has always given me a sense of peace, maybe I can find some answers to myself here.

Come to the room of the Musician...

I flinched at the voice that appeared in my head.

"Who's there?" I called out and then realized how stupid I would probably look to anyone who came out.

Come to the room of the Musician...

That same voice repeated it's statement, but what I didn't understand was what was this room of the Musician.

"How do I get to this room...?" I wondered out loud.

Let your heart be your guide...

I nearly screamed at the voice in my head, because it sounded like it was right next to me.

Let my heart be my guide how was I suppose to do that?

I closed my eyes and cleared everything from my mind.

What is it you truly desire?

That voice again! What I truly desire? I want to know who I am... more than anything in the world I want to know why all the Exorcists think I was one of them.

Come to the room...

I opened my eyes and realized I was now in a pure white room, there was a piano, a couch and a window that didn't look out at anything.

"Is this the room of the Musician?"

Welcome Noah of Pain... to the room of the 14th...

"The 14th, who's the 14th?"

The Noah who betrayed the Millennium Earl, the one who had been killed and now lays a curse on this Ark.

"The Noah who betrayed the Earl..." I muttered and walked over to the piano. "Why did you call to me?" I asked confused.

You are like the 14th, your heart has both light and dark... you must look past the dark to see the light...

"Look past the dark to see the light..." I sat down on the piano bench and put my hands over the keys.

You are not the Musician, however he passed his legacy on to you and another... if you wish to see the manner in which your heart desires, play the Melody of the 14th...

I didn't know how to play the piano, but as my hands moved across the keys I could completely understand what I was playing.

"How am I playing?!" I asked shocked.

You knew in your heart how to play the melody...

I continued to play until finally I could feel my body shift and sway from exhaustion.

You will understand over time where your heart truly lies... Noah of Pain... now go before he realizes...

I closed my eyes and when I opened them again I was back where I had started. I looked around.

I'll understand what it is I truly want over time...

I went back to my room and curled up back in bed. For once I didn't feel sick or off, I felt like myself.

Thank you... Whoever you are...

The Noah of Pain (2nd book to His Weakness)Where stories live. Discover now