Chapter 14

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*Archer Pov from beginning*

I paced back and forth in my office. "One year." I said to Jack who looked at me with a bored expression on his face. "One year till what?" I turned to him exasperated, "One year until I am deemed Alpha of this clan moron!!" I was upset to say the least. "So whats your problem?" Jack was always cool minded and down to earth but that doesn't mean he was ever the brightest. "Dude, I'm 22. I was supposed to find my mate at 18," I could feel my wolf becoming angry. I looked at my brother in the eye, I could see fear growing in his face as he anticipated another of my spells coming on, "You know that when it takes too long for a wolf to find his mate he could go insane. You also know that if my father sees this he will not pass me the duty and honour of ALPHA!" I screamed the last part as my emotions escalated. And then a thought struck me, "Unless you are trying to take my title." I heard a sharp intake of breath from Jack and instantly regretted my accusation. Jack would never betray me like that and I knew it. "I know bro..." "The worst part is," I finally started to calm down, "is that if I don't find her soon then when I meet her I might reject her." That was the worst part about finding your mate late. When you meet them your wolf won't recognize them as their mate and will reject them, you will feel alone and abandoned forever. "Jack, I need you to take Damon and search for my mate. I have way too much to do here but if you could find her-" "Of course!" Jack stood interrupting me with the loyalty I should have never questioned. "We will search high and low for her!" With that he left the room.

A week passed an I was more than anxious. Why couldn't they find her!! Just then Jack barged into my office without knocking with must have shocked my wolf because I let out a low growl. "We have looked everywhere here but there isn't anyone with you undertone!!!" Jack must have been exhausted because he collapsed in a chair right beside my door. "Then maybe you need to look elsewhere." I suggested trying to keep my cool as he put his feet on my coffee table. "Start from the top and work your way down. I pointed at the map on my wall. "Look in Ontario first, starting with Toronto. If no one there is suitable work your way around the province and then move onto the next one." "Why in Ontario?" Jack seemed confused. "Because-I don't know- I just have a feeling!" Why that my brother ran out of the room and assembled a small squadron. He sure acted fast when my patience was on the line.

I was sitting at my desk when my phone rang, I struggled to remember how to answer it because my wolf has almost full control of me. The best I can do is stay inside so non of his natural instincts trigger. "Hello?" "You were right bro. We found her." I dropped my phone. "Bro?" The stupid thing fell under my desk so I had to get on my knees to find it again, "WHERE!?" I yelled into it and I could almost feel Jack flinch. "She's here just outside of Toronto. We infiltrated a high school and she is one of the graduating students. I met her today she's seems pretty nice, you would definitely like her." His voice sounded confident as I registered what he was saying. "Bring her here now." I heard a pause on the other line as I felt my wolf become excited. "I don't think thats such a good idea. Why not just give her a while to graduate and then we can figure out a way for you two to meet?" Even though I was forcing myself not to run to Ontario right now and embrace my mate I understood where Jack was coming from. "Your right. Stay by her side until the end of the school year." I whispered through gritted teeth. Jack breathed a sigh of relief and hung up with a reassuring goodbye.

It was the middle of the night when I woke up to my cell phone ringing off its hinges. "What is it!?" "I have called seven times and this is when you pick up!? How is it possible you sleep through what you do!?" I sat up in bed at the shock of Jacks alarmed voice. He was always calm cool and collected. "Whats wrong Jack? What happened?" "Turns out your mate is smarter than we thought." He chuckled before continuing. "Damon drove her home without realizing she hadn't told him where she lived. When she asked him the next day-" I cut Jack off by accident because my wolf decided to take control. I flipped a table and punched a wall. "WHY WAS DAMON DRIVING MY MATE HOME!" I could feel my eyes turning pitch black and my canines extending in response to my rage. "Bro! NO! You've got it all wrong calm down! Damon drove her home because she normally took the bus but there was this guy on her bus that constantly harassed her... I mean bad. Anyway-" "WHO IS THIS GUY!? WHAT KIND OF HARASSMENT!? I"LL KILL HIM!!" My body shook with furry as I restrained myself from tearing the room apart. "He was a bully. A bad one. He.. Well... You know what bullies do. Anyway what I WANTED to say was that she is on her way home. Damon had to drug her because he didn't know what else to do. You'll be able to meet her by tomorrow." With that he hung up the phone. Both my wolf and I were excited. What will she look like? How will she act once she sees me? Will she like me right away? "Thats a stupid question" I said out loud. She was just kidnapped, how in the world will she like me? And with that realization the next question dawned on me. The most important question of all.

Will she reject me?


Ok gang. This was the first of Archers pov and I want to know what you think. Also, Just keep the suggestions rolling because I just started a new story and I am running out of imagination juice for both of them.

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