Chapter 23

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*Minerva's Pov*

Minerva's face was dripping with tears when she paused over Ciara. "Well!?" Ciara shouted at Minerva in desperate anticipation and fear. "Are you going to do it or not?!" Minerva peered down at Ciara. She looked afraid sure, but there was no emotion behind her dark eyes. Minerva realized there could be no other emotion, she could never feel true love, except for her brother but Minerva new that even the love Ciara felt for Archer was the wrong kind of love all together. Minerva took a step back. "Didn't I just tell you what I did to your daughter?" Ciara cooed maniacally, "are you so much of a coward you can't even take revenge for your own flesh and blood?" Minerva turned to leave but Ciara wasn't done. "She screamed for you. She needed you and you weren't there for her. Her death is as much her fault as it was yours-" Minerva flung around and in one swift move picked up the wolves bane and coco leaves, shoving them in Ciara's mouth. Minerva forced Ciara's jaw shut with the herbs inside. The cell filled with the stench of burning werewolf flesh. Ciara tried to scream in agony, but could only let out a pitiful moan with Minerva's hands clenched around her face. "I should wait until your tongue burns to cinders." Minerva let go of Ciara who spat out the herbs in a clump of blood and saliva. "Hehdh dhdhsj djfh!!" Ciara's tongue hadn't been burnt to cinders, but what was left was in no shape to form proper words. "There, maybe your brother will give me a gift in gratitude." And with that Minerva left the cell, locking the door behind her. She saved her tears for her pillow later, there was no sense in shedding more right now as she must report to her queen on Ciara's status. 

*Ash's Pov*

I looked at Archers lips for what must have been a millisecond, but he got the hint. Archer leaned down quickly, not wanting to miss this opportunity, and kissed me on the lips. They were surprisingly soft for his rough and tumble exterior. I kissed back surprised by my own passion and lust, Archer chuckled causing my cheeks to turn as red as a rose. I broke the kiss feeling uncomfortable because Lonnie was still in the room. "So," Lonnie began, looking at me with an arched brow. "Can you pass the tomato sauce?" I said looking at my pizza dough. Archer reached with his long muscular arms and picked up the tomato sauce. He gently pushed my aside and started spreading it on the dough. "Hey, that's not yours." I said quietly, still getting used to the confidence thing. "It's ours." Archer said without looking at me, "what's mine is yours and what's yours" he paused at this and turned his gaze to me, slowly racking my body with his piercing green eyes, "is most certainly mine." I swear to God I didn't just almost faint... but my nose did start bleeding. "Oh my God!" Lonnie exclaimed, Archer burst out laughing in surprised amusement. "I have to go take care of this!" I yelled and ran out of the kitchen, embarrassed and dare I say, horny as hell.

*Damon's Pov*

I walked back through the forest of which I came. The Bloodlust Clans queen was right, I didn't tell Archer the whole truth and nothing but, I told him half truths and betrayed his trust for little to no reason. "UGH!" I stopped and covered my face. But what about Ash! I kissed her because I like her... love her? "What the fuck do I do?" I licked my lips to find the taste of Ash had long gone, I missed it, craved more. My wolf stirred, unapprovingly. At least he knew what was right and what was wrong, so there is still a chance for me to meet my soul mate. I finally walked out of the woods to see my home. "Get inside. Now." Archer didn't miss a beat with our mind link. Wow, do I ever wish this sinking feeling in my stomach would pull me through the ground and drag me to the other side of the earth.

Authors note,

Thank you for the support.  

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