Chapter 39

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A/N - Took it a little bit long to get to 85 votes but we got there eventually which means a new chapter :) a couple of twists in this chapter :) so enjoy! 

And also I added someone's POV . . . hope you enjoy it ;) 

Chapter 39 

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Four days. That's all that came to mind while I sat on the end of my bed. I was waiting for Addie to finish in the bathroom so I could go in and get dressed. To be honest, I kind of felt like this camp fell apart towards the end. We don't really follow schedules anymore. It's like they waste time and maybe in the middle of the day they announce we do something. I'm surprised boredom never really came to mind. Then again, maybe that's just saying I really don't mind it. 

Addie opens the door and walks out, in a pair of shorts and a plan t-shirt. I grab my similar outfit for today and head into the bathroom to also get changed. 

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During the line up for breakfast, Mr. Armstrong came in and asked for everyones attention. 

"Since a large majority of the campers finish up these week, we've decided to add in something new. Something different to finish up your time here other than the Cormac Marathon in two days time. So while everyone was asleep, we had some of the staff members get up extra early today to hide a lot of items around the camp . . . we're going to have a scavenger hunt!" 

I manage to smile. I think we could have some fun with that. I turn to look at my three friends. I see Addie nodding while she listens and Josh justs winks at me. Riley isn't really fussed. 

"So after breakfast,' he continues, ' we will all meet out at the top area and discuss things further. But one more thing, get into groups of about eight or ten, we've decided to scrap your cabin groups, you can pick who you want." 

With that he gestured his finishing and left the building. I turned back around to start filling up my plate. When we got back to the table, Riley was the first one to bring it up. 

"Ugh, what do you reckon we'll be looking for?" He asked unenthusiastically. 

"Body parts." Josh answers, the only stupid answer too.   

"It's a scavenger hunt,' Addie says, 'so they will give us a list of things to go and get and then whatever team gets all of them wins."

  "I suppose that seems alright," he says.   

I turn to Josh. "Ever done something like this before?" I ask.   

He squints and sets his face into a thinking mode. "Hm, yeah something sort of similar a few years back. Good thing though, they might hide them in the same places if we're lucky, then we could win."   

"Well, I don't see what the point in winning is,' Riley says, 'what could they give us? If they did it at the start of the camp, maybe they could give us early leave or something," he frowns.   

Riley seems so agro this morning.   

"There's no point in wanting that when we've only got four days left anyway,' Addie answers.   

Suddenly a kid I had seen around a couple of times, Kayla I believe her name was, came in from the door and headed straight for our table. She taps me on the shoulder and calls my name quietly.   

"Scarlett,' she says, looking around slightly. She pauses, and I raise one eyebrow while I wait for her to continue. She turns backs to me. 'Martha needs to see you now, up near the garden shed, she says it's desperate."   

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