Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

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I woke up in the morning feeling dirty, like I'd just woken up in a swamp. Ugh. I thought I'd be having a good day, until I remembered that I had to pack because I was going to Cormac. 

I climbed out of bed to my wardrobe so I could grab some fresh and made my way to the shower so I could at least feel fresh. As I left my wardrobe, someone knocked on the door. 

"Who is it?" I slurred. 

"It's me," came a voice. 

Ugh, Michelle. 

"Yes?" I replied. 

She came in. Actually, I was surprised she was even up here. Was she going to apologise and say, 'forget the whole camp? I was hopping. 

"Here's you equipment and needs list," she said, stretching her arm out to me. 

Nope, I was totally wrong. Completely opposite from what I was hoping. 

"Thanks," I mumbled, taking it from her and placing it on my bed. 

I brushed past her and went into the bathroom, turning the shower on at the perfect temperature. 

I stood in the shower for a while until I felt like getting out. 

I dried myself and got dressed. I did my hair but wasn't bothered with make-up. 

I came back to my room and peered at my bed, remembering the list. I stopped what I was doing and grabbed it. 

Here is your list for your stay at Cormac Camp for Youth's. (CCFY)
1. Sleeping bag and/or sheets and dooner
2. Pillow + pillow case
3. Torch + extra batteries 
4. Snacks
5. Clothes, warm and cool + socks
6. Undergarments
7. Toiletries
- Soaps
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Brush
-Toothbrush + Toothpaste
8.Walking shoes + normal shoes 
9. Backpack
10. Sunscreen
11. Bug repellant
12. Whistle
13. If camera wanted, only cheap 'disposable'
14. Book/magazines
15.  Binoculars 
16. Tissues
17. Hand wipes
18. Notepad + pen
19. Possibly a padlock is lockers are given  

Gee, there was a lot to get. Some of those I had, most of them.  

I grabbed my bag and put my shoes on and placed the list in my bag. I climbed down the stairs. What did I feel like for breakfast? Maybe I could get something on the way there. 

I reached the lounge to find dad watching TV. 

"Good morning sweetheart,' he smiled, 'where are you going?"

"Morning dad, 'just down to the shops to buy my essentials," I replied, looking down at the ground. 

I heard dad sigh. 

"You can talk to me now, Michelle's gone to work." 

I immediately looked up and moved my way to the lounge. He moved over slightly to make more room. 

"I know you did this so she doesn't break up with you," I said, starting the conversation. 

He sighed. 

"My daughter always comes before any other women,' he replied, 'but maybe you're right, maybe I wanted us all to stay together. 'I couldn't bear losing another girl in my life. 'She might be horrible now but she'll get used to being with you. 'She's actually a very nice woman, I love her too but you always come first."

I sighed. I knew what he meant. 

"And I know your behaviour isn't bad, but this camp might actually be fun," he said. 

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