Part 2

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Noah's P.O.V
'So Tom, do you have a favourite book?'  I asked him.

'I love all the Harry Potter books but I don't own any, Alex used to take me to the library and I would read them but I only got up to the 3rd book.' His sad little voice broke my heart.

'I love the Harry Potter books! My favourite has always been the prisoner of Azkaban.'

'That's my favourite, well out of the three.' His little chuckle made me smile.

'So Tom, Noah's prepared a picnic for us and then maybe we can go and feed the ducks?' Alex asked him. I looked over and she was holding his hand. His other free hand was pulling on a cart which held his oxygen tanks in.

'That's sounds great, thank you Noah.' His little eyes looked up at me and smiled.

'No problem buddy, I'm not the best at making sandwiches so let's hope you like them.'

We arrived at a little spot underneath a huge oak tree. 'How about here?' Asked Alex.

'Perfect.' I responded. We all sat down on the dry grass. I placed the basket in the middle of us and opened it.

'Now Tom I am very sorry but I bought two Easter eggs for us all to share but when I found out you weren't a fan of chocolate I bought you a packet of starbursts instead.' I took out the starbursts from my jacket pocket and handed them to him.

'I love starbursts, thanks!' He took the packet from my hand and began to open them.

'Eh, eh , eh.' Mimed Alex with her index finger.

'Sandwiches first.' She laughed.

For the next 2 hours we sat talking, laughing and eating my pretty, good tasting sandwiches. I feel like I've really connected with Tom.

'Can I go play at the park please?' He asked before taking a sip of his fruit juice.

'Course you can.' Replied Alex.

'Noah will you come with me please?' My heart dropped. I felt so warm inside. He actually wants to play with me and take him to the park. I looked over at Alex who was already smiling at me.

'Sure I will, buddy.' I stood up and followed him to the park.

Alex's P.O.V
Tom has never connected like this with anyone before, not even his own parents.

I quickly grabbed my phone and called out to Tom and Noah.

'Let me quickly take a picture!' I shouted to them. They both turned around with smiled already planted on their faces. Noah put his arm around Tom.

'Ready.' I took the picture and a tear fell from my eye. It was such a lovely picture of the two most important people in my life.

'Does it look good?' Asked Noah.

'It's perfect.' I cried out to him. I saw him look at me worriedly.

'Are you okay Alex?'

'I'm absolutely fine, go on I'm fine here.' I wiped away my tears then sat down again. I set the picture as my wallpaper on my phone. I loved seeing Tom happy like this but I'm scared for when he realises he can't stay happy forever.

I packed up all the food from the picnic and set it all back into the basket. I picked up Noah's jacket and hung it over the basket. I then began walking down to the park. I could see Noah pushing Tom around on the roundabout. I loved seeing them together.

'Hey guys, you having fun?' I called out to them while leaning against the fence.

'It's been the best day ever! Thank you so much!' Tom wrapped his arms around Noah. I saw Noah's expression and it made me remember one of the reasons why I loved him so much.

'Come on, shall we go get some ice cream?' I shouted with my arms up in the air.

'Yeahhhhh!' They both replied.

We walked around the town centre and passed loads of different quirky shops which were so cute.

'Look there's a bookstore! Can we go inside?' Asked Tom taking a lick at his ice cream.

'Is that okay Noah?' I asked turning my head to face him. His arm was draped around my shoulders.

'Course it is.'

We walked into the bookshop and it was really quiet. Tom let go of my hand and wondered off throughout the shop.

'Thank you for today Noah.'

'You don't need to say thank you, I've had an amazing day.' He held both of my hands tightly in his. I loved the way he made everything mysterious. Like I don't know if he's going to kiss me next or just carry on talking.

'Noah look over here!' Called Tom. Noah and I laughed at the timing.

'He really likes you Noah.' We began walking around the library looking for Tom. We found him buried in one of the Harry Potter books. He was sat on a bean bag chair in the floor.

'What you got there buddy?' Noah asked kneeling down beside him.

'It's the next Harry Potter book that I haven't read and look they've got all the rest on the shelf.' His voice got so excited it was like when I bought him that Nintendo D.S.

'Wow that's great, let me have a look.' Noah stood up and grabbed a whole pile of the books from the shelf.

'Noah what are you doing?' I asked him.

'Back in a second.' He took all the books and walked back to the front of the building.

'So Tom, have you had a good day?' I asked interrupting his reading.

'It's been the best day ever, thank you so much Alex.'

'I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Maybe if we ask the nurses nicely we can take you out again?'

'Alex, how long have I got to live?' His little blue eyes looked up at me with hope. I couldn't answer it. I knew the answer but I could never bring myself to saying it out loud.

'That question doesn't need to be asked. You're a strong little fighter who can fight against anything, okay?' I pulled him into a tight squeeze.

'But what if I get too weak?'

'Tom look at me, we are going to go back into hospital and kick cancers butt , you got it?'

'Got it.' He tightened his arms around me as if he was never going to let me go. I tried to force all the tears out while Tom wasn't looking. But even I couldn't let the come out.

'Guys are you okay?'

I let go of Tom to see Noah standing in front of us with a bag.

'Did you buy a book?' Asked Tom smiling.

'I bought a few actually.' He smiled down at Tom and handed him the bag.

'It's for me?' He asked gobsmacked.

'Have a look.' Noah looked over at me. I can't believe he bought Tom some books.

'Alex look it's all the Harry Potter books!'

'Noah you didn't have to buy him them!' I looked into his eyes and all Noah could do right now was smile.

'I wanted too. I remember when I broke my arm and I had to go into hospital so my dad bought me the first Harry Potter book and it got me through.'

'Thank you very much Noah, I'll look after them I promise!' Tom ran up to Noah and slung his arms around him.

'I know you will buddy.'

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