Now its my fault

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Noah's P.O.V
I don't know. That's all I can say. I've just been asking myself questions and the only answer I can find is 'I don't know.' I don't know what more I can do to prove to Alex it's just us two against the world. I hate thinking thinking of the consequences that could happen to us if the word got out. But to be completely honest I don't give a shit.

I turned on the windscreen wipers of the car as the rain was making it very difficult to see. I knew where I was going and I couldn't wait to get there. Just me and a lot of beer. I pulled up in the parking lot, I couldn't bring myself to take out the keys. I miss her. I hated leaving her all alone in my house, I should be with her. I should of stayed at talked to her but instead I ran away like a big baby. Well it's too late now. I yanked out my car keys and slammed the door shut. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, I quickly checked to see who it was from and it was Alex. I declined it. I did up the zip on the jacket I picked up before I left and put on my hood. I ran towards the entrance.

As soon as you walk in you are greeted with the smell of alcohol and the sound of drunk men shouting at eachother. I made my way over to the bar and took a seat on a spinny stool.

My phone buzzed again, Alex. I declined it again.
'Just a pint please.' I muttered to the barmaid.

'Noah?' I heard her gasp.

I shook the water from my hair then looked up.

'Amanda?' I laughed in shock.

'Wow Noah Rivers in a bar by himself now who would of seen that coming.' Giggled Amanda.
Amanda was my ex girlfriend. We had been dating for 2 years and I was finally going to pop the question and ask her to marry me but I caught her with another guy. We haven't really seen much of eachother since then but I would never ignore her for it.

'Desperate times calls for desperate measures.' I took a sip of the beer she handed in front of me.

'How are you anyway, how's the partner?' I asked referring to the guy she cheated on me with.

He's great, we have 2 kids. A boy and a baby girl.' She smiled. I watched as her hand reached for her necklace which was around her neck. She removed it from around her neck and pulled it open. Inside the necklace was a picture of a boy toddler and a tiny baby girl.

'Wow, they are gorgeous Mandy, they really are.' I smiled looking back and forth from her and the pictures.

'So what about you? Girlfriend, married, kids?' She rested her head on her hands as she gazed at me waiting for an answer.

My phone buzzed a third time but I was still not giving in to the pressure. I turned my phone on silent and shoved it back into my pocket.

'Just girlfriend but it's a little more complicated than that.' I took another sip.

'Complicated how? Is she the reason you're here?'

'Sort of, we just had a little disagreement and I stormed out. It's my fault really I should still be there with her.' Thoughts ran through my mind. I need to get back to her.

'Everybody has their moments Noah but love always brings it back together.' She held on tight to her necklace which was trailed through her fingers and placed in her hand.

'I know and I love her so so so much but I just think it's a bit more complicated then everyone else thinks.' I inhaled in a deep breath.

'It can't be that bad. I'm sure whatever it is it will get easier.'

Amanda is right, it will get easier and I need to begin to fix it so it will be easier for us!

'Mandy, I'm so sorry but I've got to go, I've got to go sort things out.' I took one last sip and slammed it down on the table making a huge spill.

'Well good luck and I hope I never see you here again!' She laughed.

'Ditto.' I replied before slamming my money in the bar and racing out the door. The rain was hammering off car roofs and forming huge puddles in the ground. I pulled my hood over my head and ran towards my car. I pressed the unlock the button as I was running so I could hop in straight away. I swung open the door and jumped in the drivers seat. I shook off all the water droplets and pulled down my hood. I took my phone out from my pocket and looked at it. 9 missed calls and 4 messages. All from Alex.

1st message: baby I'm so sorry, just please come and we can sort it out.

2nd message: I shouldn't have pushed you away like that. Just please call me so I know you're safe.

3rd message: it's urgent call me back now!!

4th message: Noah, it's Tom. Somethings happened please meet me at the hospital

'SHIT!' I yelled aloud. I forcefully inserted the key into the ignition and pulled out of the car park. I swerved past so many stop signs and sped over so many red lights but this was way more important than any fine.

I can't believe I had been so selfish. Alex was calling and texting because she desperately needed me. But I left her. What's happened to Tom. I dread to think. There's nothing I can do to help them besides get to the hospital and watch Alex hate me.

I pushed my foot down harder on the accelerator but it wouldn't go down any further.

I pulled round the hospital entrance and drive around the car park until I found a space. I shoved my car into that space and leapt out the car and ran.

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