The best night of my life

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Just to warn you the following chapter may get a bit.... Heated... So beware.!

3 weeks later.....

Noah's P.O.V
I sat watching her. It killed me inside that she had gone through such a horrible time in her life and she's still expected to continue as a normal student. There were 10 minutes left off the lesson so instead of wasting the classes time by writing from a textbook I thought I'd try and cheer her up a bit.

'Right class, if you could finish whatever sentence you're on and close your textbooks please.' I placed the lid on the top of my pen and stood up from my desk.

'I know you have been working very hard this term and I am very proud of you all so for all your hard work I have managed to set up a class trip.' My eyes darted to Alex who looked at me in confusion but I saw a smile tug at her lips. The class filled with chatter.

'Alright settle down. The trip is for a long weekend. It is about mainly about team work so for the 3 days we are there you will be put into groups and have to do team based exercises. But it is optional so if you don't want to go we won't force you but you would be silly not to want to go.' I laughed.

'I'll hand out a letter tomorrow in English so....' The bell rang signalling for all the students to start packing away.

'I'll talk more about it tomorrow.' I nodded my head then walked back over to my desk.

'You coming Alex?' Asked Sophie from across the classroom. I tilted my head up and saw Alex wondering closer to me.

'I just need to ask about this trip. I'll meet you outside.' Sophie nodded the. wondered off into the busy halls.

'Why didn't you tell me you were planning a trip?' She smiled. I cautiously looked at the open door. Alex saw my look and went and closed the it.

'Under the circumstances it wasn't exactly a great time to tell you and plus I think it will be a great idea to take your mind off things for a while.' I walked closer to her, away from my desk. In my head I just wanted to take her in my arms and kiss her. But I couldn't.

'Thank you so much Noah, but that means I can't kiss you for a whole weekend?' She pulled a sulky face and leant out her arms. I held her hands in mine.

'Not necessarily, I've put our room on the same ground, right next to eachother. And one of the days you can just say you're not feeling very well. It's a rule now that there is a teacher on every ground and if a pupil does not feel up to doing an activity that teacher does not get to go on the activity either so they can keep an eye on that pupil.'

'You're so amazing.' She laughed.

'I know.'

I looked into her beautiful eyes and grunted.

'Do you know how much I want to kiss you right now.' I bit my lip in agony.

'Just do it, nobody is here.' She lifted herself up onto her tip toes and began to lean in. I too got caught in her movement and began to lean forward. I shook my head and pulled away.

'I can't, if I kiss you now at school I will get used to doing it everyday and I won't be able to stop myself in class.' I let go of her hands which felt like such an impossible thing to do right now.

Moving in with my English teacher (studentxteacher) (Cameron Dallas)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang