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Noah's P.O.V
'What are you scared about baby, I've told you we will get through this and whatever bumps we come across we will get through it all. Together.' My voice began to get sketchy the more I kept saying 'we will get through it' I was starting to not believe it myself.

'I'm so sorry Noah.' She cried.

'Sorry? Sorry about what?! Alex please tell me!' My heart began to explode at the thought of us being over (again).

'I can't keep living with such a huge lie on my shoulders. I'm fed up thinking of the consequences and not doing anything to stop them.' She couldn't even look up at me anymore.

'What are you saying then? You want us to end, is that it?' I began to step backwards to try and escape.

'I just think it's best.' She whispered still staring at the floor.

'Better you do it than me. How am I supposed to cope with a girl who only thinks about the consequences. Just live a little Alex! Actually maybe this is for the best because now you and Kyle can live happily ever after.' Tears began to form in my eyes. I wasn't even thinking about what I was saying, I just let it all flow out.

'This has nothing to do with me and Kyle! It's about you not losing your job, if they found out you'd be put in prison Noah and never be able to work at a school again? You love it at that school I know you do!' We both began to raise our voices in anger and upset.

'Don't try and say you're doing this for me. You're obviously thinking about yourself. You couldn't give a shit If I lost my job as long as you had a roof over your head and some food on the table before I went.' As soon as I finished the end of my sentence I regretted what I said. I never meant any of that because none of it is true.

'Is that what you really think? You think I used you to get a roof over my head!?.' My body went rigid as I watched her face drop with hurt.

'I'm so sorry, I didn't mean...'

'Save it Noah, what you said had obviously been playing on your mind for a while now so I'll be out of your way as soon as we get back!' She turned around and went fumbling around in her drawers.

'Alex that's not what I meant, I was being stupid.' Alex arose from her crouched position next to the drawers and walked back over. She lay her hands out inbetween us.

'You can have your keys back, I don't need anything that's in your house. You can keep or sell them or something.' She held her hand out into my chest and pushed the keys.

'Baby please, I don't want you to leave. We just need to calm down and talk maturely about this.' I placed my hands on either side of her shoulders.

'There's nothing to talk about. What we were doing was illegal and stupid. We were living in a dream but now we are finally back in the real world.' I shook my head, disagreeing with every word that was coming out of her mouth.

'I'm sorry Noah.' She whispered in a soft tone before walking past me and straight out of the room.

Alex's P.O.V
I didn't want it to end like that. I just knew it had to. I couldn't tell him about the text messages otherwise he would be stressed and scared. But now he doesn't have to be, he can be free. I feel like I've been holding him back from things he should be able to do. He should be able to hold hands with his girlfriend in public and he's going to want to get married and have children but he can't have that with me. Not for years anyway. I didn't know where i was going but I just felt suffocated in that room.

'Alex, wait!' Called a deep voice behind me. I turned around, my heart beating.

'Oh.... Kyle. Hi.' A frown must of appeared on my face as his dropped with disappointment.

'Nice to see you too. Are you feeling any better?' He sped up and began to walk next to me.

'A bit, but I'm just having one of them off days.' My eyes began to water as I just imagined the thought of one off day turning into weeks of them.

'I have those all the time, don't worry. I just find things that make me happy. Like you.' He buried his hands deep into his pockets and lowered his head to face the floor.

'Aww Kyle you're so sweet.'

'Alex, listen. I really really like you and I feel as is we have so much in common and we've known each other for a while now.'

'Kyle I know what you're going to say but I can't. I'm so so sorry. I've just got out of a relationship, literally about 10 minutes ago.' I hated the way that sounded. I loved telling people I was in a relationship because it was with a person I felt amazing to be with but now I just feel lost and lonely. I have no one.

'Oh shit I'm so sorry, I didn't even know you were in a relationship in the first place. Honestly Alex if I knew that I would never of asked.'

'Don't worry.' I couldn't finish. The tears I was saving just fled out and I couldn't control them.

'Oh Alex.' Kyle wrapped me in his arms and held me tight.

'I'm sor..sorry it's just I...haven't got used to it and I...I miss him so much.' I buried my head in his chest.

'It will get easier, I promise. It takes time to get out of a relationship you feel strongly about.' I believed every word that came from his mouth. I nodded but didn't speak as I pulled away from him.

'Now c'mon lets go get some food.' He smiled. He placed his arm around my shoulders and lead us through the corridor to the dining hall.

Noah's P.O.V
After being sat in Alex's room for at least 10 minutes I decided to leave. The whole 10 minutes lead me to thinking. What bought this on? I mean Alex and I had been so happy then suddenly she decides we are through, something must of bought all this on. I stood up from her bed and as I lifted my weight up something dropped on the floor. It was her phone. I'm definitely not the type of person who goes looking through their partners phone because they don't trust them but then again, I might found the reason she decided to end us. I sat back down and began to guess the password.

'Right... 1234?' I typed it in.
'Shit, what the hell is it?' I murmured to myself.
'0608?' I typed the numbers in and the phone unlocked.
'Yes!' The password is the date of when I asked her to be my girlfriend. The 6th of August.

My first instinct was to check her messages as I think anybody's first instinct would be. I scrolled across to messages and clicked. The most recent message was from an unnamed number. I clicked on it and there was no messages from Alex but about 5 from this person. I read though each message, my blood boiling at every word. Somebody had been blackmailing Alex about us!

Moving in with my English teacher (studentxteacher) (Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now