Back to when I had a girlfriend

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While I was writing this I was listening
Never forget you by MMEK so I advise you to listen to that☺️

Noah's P.O.V
I didn't know what to do once I saw that. All I do know is that I'm broken. My eyes began to fill with tears, but they didn't run down my face. Not just yet anyway. I closed my eyes tight trying to transport back to last week. I wanted to go back in time to when Alex and I were fine. When there wasn't a care in the world. I reopened them but I was still back in the same old miserable scene. I turned around and ran. I had to. If I had stayed any longer I would of walked right up to them, punched that Kyle in the face and said things I didn't mean to Alex. I still love her so desperately. Well of course I still love her, we only ended it about 3 hours ago. I can't believe she can break up with me and say she has no other choice and go and kiss a boy she promised she wouldn't leave me for. I ran into the building, the rain battered on the roof.

I ran through the empty halls, past all the rooms. I unlocked my door and stormed in. I flung my hands to my head, they gripped onto my hair as if I was about to pull out each strand one by one. I was in so much pain. But not physical pain, it was a pain of loss. And I had lost Alex.

'Alex.' I cried. Over and over. I paced around the room repeating her name. I needed her here with me, i want to wrap her in my arms and never let her go.

I stood still and lifted my head up. I know what I need. I paced towards my chair that was in the corner of the room. Folded over it was my black coat. I reached deep into the pocket and pulled out my emergency packet of cigarettes. I placed them on the table, ripped off my shirt and replaced my jeans with my grey sweat shorts. I picked up my pack of cigarettes and pulled one out. I took a deep breath. I never smoke, I hate the idea of killing yourself. But this seems like the only thing I can do to relieve my feelings for just a few minutes. I lit one and watched it burn. The smell was disgusting and vile but I didn't give a shit at this moment. I placed it on my lips and inhaled a big puff then exhaled out. It felt so good. This is the moment I had been holding my tears for. They streamed down my face without me even thinking about it. I haven't cried like this since the night Tom passed away. That was one of the hardest nights of my life but the only thing that kept me going was Alex. I wouldn't of met such an amazing little boy unless I didn't meet Alex so I had to be there for her. It's always been me and Alex against the world. But now Alex is teaming with the world and they are against me. I feel so alone without her.

Alex's P.O.V
'Thanks for walking me back to my room Kyle.' I smiled to him.

'No problem and I had fun tonight.' He looked at me with promising eyes.

'Me too, thanks. I guess I'll see you tomorrow.' I took my card key from my pocket and slid it in the lock. I knew he wanted me to kiss him again but I already regretted the first time.

'Yeah, see you tomorrow Alex.' Kyle wandered off into the ghost like halls. I flopped on my bed. My head spinning with the amount of thoughts all jumbled around up there. There is only one thought that needs to be my priority and that's Noah. I can't believe how I acted. I wasn't angry with him, I was angry that whoever this person is can't grow some balls and come and torment me in person! I miss him. If he saw me like this at home he would cuddle up with me on the sofa and I would be engulfed in his manly scent. I miss whenever he comes near me I get butterflies and my heart skips a beat. He's the only guy that's ever made me feel like that and I've pushed him away. Noah's the only guy I've been with who's treated my like I'm the only girl in the world. Who am I kidding he's the love of my life!

I jumped off my bed and ran straight out the door. Down the hall to room 20. Noah's room.

Before I knocked on the door I had to think of what to say, I can't just turn up and expect everything to be fine. Before my knuckles came into contact with the door, it opened. There he was, crying. His hair all messy like he had been pulling on it.

'Noah?' I smiled hoping that would fix everything. He just stared right through me without any emotion or any signs of forgiveness.

'Can I come in?'
'What are you doing here, Alex, Shouldn't you be with your new boyfriend?'

I heard the hurt in Noah's voice and I wanted to cry, I didn't realise how much I'd hurt him.

'He's not my boyfriend.' I grunted.

'Well that's not what it looked like when you kissed him. Yeah don't think I didn't see Alex!' His voice rising with anger.

'Can we go inside please?' Without listening to his response I pushed passed him and sat on his bed.

'I imagined you, Noah.' I whispered.

'What?' He stood there not listening.

'I missed you so much and I don't know what happened but I could see your face instead of Kyle's. I didn't even question it I just kissed him well when I thought it was you! I stopped as soon as I realised it wasn't you.' Tears began rolling down my face.

'What do you mean you realised it wasn't me?' It sounded like he started to believe me.

'Because whenever we kiss you wait till I'm ready to go further with it, but Kyle shoved his tongue straight at me and began holding my ass!' As funny as it sounds it broke me even more to admit it.

'He what!' Noah's face burned red and I could tell he wanted to do something drastic.

'Forget about it. But I've told you the reason now. Noah I miss you so much. As soon as I realised I wasn't kissing you I felt sick because you're the only man I want to kiss and cuddle. I love you.' I stood up off the bed and walked closer to Noah.

'Alex, you pushed me away when all I ever did was love you.' His soft voice pierced my heart as he walked away from me.

'I know and I'm so sorry, but since we haven't been been together I haven't had any texts.'

'I don't know what you want me to say?' I watched as he lifted a cigarette up to his mouth.

'Noah what the fuck!' I said aloud. Smoking can kill you, smoking can give you cancer, does he not remember what my brother went through?!

'What?' He inhaled the deadly toxin into his body.

'Noah, you're smoking?' I asked angrily.

'It's the only thing that's making me feel better.' He exhaled a huge amount of smoke from the one he just inhaled.

'So you don't remember what my brother went through, Noah smoking can kill you!' I was on the verge of crying.

'What does it matter if I die. No one would miss me. I haven't got anyone to protect anymore, my girlfriend doesn't want to be with me, my dad left me when I was 13. Who else cares about me.' Noah sat on the bed and stared into space. I watched as his eyes began to fill with tears.

'You do have a girlfriend who loves you. Me. I'm so sorry for ever thinking we should end it. I was just scared of the future. Please forgive me Noah.' I begged him with eyes full of tears.

'Alex, you wouldn't of ended it unless you didn't feel the same as before?' He pulled the cigarette to his lips again but now I was furious. I ripped the cigarette out of his hand and walked, angrily over to the open window. I threw it as far as I could.

'Just listen to me! I ended it so we could move on and this person didn't have anything on us? When Kyle asked me out I remembered the first day we met. Remember, I was late for lesson and half way through I burst into tears and that was the day...' Noah interrupted

'I asked you to move in with me.' A smile grew on his face. It then soon disappeared.

'That doesn't change anything. I would never of let you go because of worries of the future, if we were really a team we would face them together but you wanted to go alone then moved on quick enough?' My heart dropped. Just when I thought we could work it out.

'I'm so sorry Noah.' I walked closer to him and kissed his cheek and walked straight out of the door. I couldn't handle him not wanting me anymore.

Moving in with my English teacher (studentxteacher) (Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now