The last chapter

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Noah's P.O.V
'WHAT?!?' I jumped out of my skin. Butterflies began swirling around in my stomach and I felt as if I was about to  throw up right here, right now.

'Sophie, where are they?' Alex's voice cracked. I looked down to see her hands shaking. I held them tight and squeezed them.

'Well their cars are pretty hard to miss, they are parked in the car park. And just as I was walking into the dorm building I saw two police men walk through the food hall.'

'Okay so if they are in the food hall that will give me about 5 minutes to head back to my room and get my bag as I've already packed and then if I order a taxi now that will come in about 20 minutes then we can leave!' I did the calculations in my head and smiled a nervous smile to Alex.

'Noah, what if we get caught. You can't go to prison!' Alex began hyperventilating.

'Alex, baby. Calm down. Breathe in and out slowly.' I say her down in the bed and knelt down in front of her. I inhaled and exhaled with her to slow down her pulse.

'We are going to be alright. We just need time.' I held her hand and turned to Sophie.

'Sophie do you think there is anyway at all that you can distract them?'

'Are you crazy!! I can't distract police officers!! I'm sorry Alex but I can't risk my school life.' Sympathy shot out of Sophie's eyes as she said that to Alex.

'Don't worry Soph, I know we can't ask you to do that.' I spoke for Alex.

I stood up and paced around the room. I need to think of something, they are probably already in there way down here!

'We have no choice babe, we are just gonna have to pack and leave.' I couldn't think of any other option.

'I'm scared Noah. So many things could go wrong. While I'm packing they could knock on your door and arrest you and then I...' She broke down in tears before even finishing. I leaped over and engaged her in a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around her waist and squeezed.

'Nothing's going to happen, I promise.' I whispered softly in her ear.

'Guys you should get a move on. Alex I can come and help you pack.' Sophie interrupted knowing that we are losing time.

I pulled away from Alex but kept a firm grip on her shoulders.

'Meet me at the fire exit in 5 minutes.' I kissed her forehead and watched her leave. Shit.

Alex's P.O.V
I threw my clothes in my case as tears streamed down my face. All I could think about was everything that could go wrong with this plan! I was just waiting for a knock at my door to say Noah had been arrested.

'Alex stop it. I know exactly what you're doing. Everything's going to be fine.' Sophie exclaimed. She walked over and placed my toiletries in the case.

'Sophie I'm so sorry I got you involved.' The tears continued.

'Don't be so stupid. You're my best friend and practically my sister, you shouldn't have to keep anything from me.'

'I know but I've put you in such an awful position right now and I'm so sorry Soph.' I closed my suitcase and turned round to face her.

'Look. Whatever happens I am ALWAYS going to be here for you.'

There was a short pause.

'Do you think you'll be able to get out of here in maximum of 3 minutes?' Sophie held my hand.

'Sophie you are not stalling! We aren't asking you to do that.' I finished zipping up my case and pulled it into the floor off the bed.

'Alex, I don't know when I'm going to see you again, I'm helping you!'

I stood still in my place thinking. I smiled and wrapped my arms around Sophie.

'I love you so much Sophie. I'm so lucky to have you as my sister.' I rested my head in her neck.

'I love you. Remember to text me all the time wherever you end up and I hope we can meet sometime.' She rubbed my back signalling me to let go.

I pulled away and wiped my eyes.

'Right. I'm ready.'

Noah's P.O.V
I looked down at my watch. Then back up. Then back down. My leg was shaking with nerves. The thought of losing Alex makes me physically sick. Yes of course I'm going to miss my class and teaching at the school but I can find a new one.

'We ready?' Alerted a little voice in front of me. I looked up and Alex's eyes were puffy and bloodshot. Her skin went ghost white.

'Oh baby.' I pulled her into a hug, trying not to cry myself. 'Everything's going to be fine, okay. I've called an über and it will be here in about 2 minutes.'

She nodded her head while still embraced in my presence.

'We can get out of here and be free. Just you and I. We can get a new place, I'll find a new job and we can start fresh.'

'Babe, prom is weeks away. It's too late for me to start a school now and I won't get in to a good college because I have no proof of my grades.' The conversation was shot down massively.

'We will figure it out, we always do!' I held her tighter.

'Noah, you don't get it!' Her voice raised.

'What are you saying Alex? I'm trying to make this right for us and you picking out the small flaws.' I slowly edged away.

'How is my future a small flaw?!'

The sound of a motor became more clear. A small beep of a horn soon followed as a taxi pulled up beside us.

'Look, this is our chance to start fresh and cross any bumps when we get to them. Please say you're with me?' I leant my arm for her to take and waited for her response.


Moving in with my English teacher (studentxteacher) (Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now