Chapter One: Hallucination

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This is my first story. Please let me know if you like it, I'll Keep updating!
Rights Reserved. DO NOT COPY! Thanks(:

The air was crisp that morning; the frost crunching as I stepped. Every school morning was the same; I left the house early to find Wit and bum a cig before the bus came. I scuffed my feet on the gravel tired and hungover from the night before. I didn't live in the school district, so I walked a mile to the nearest bus stop in a neighborhood on the main road. The houses lined up in a mundane stupid kind of way, all boring shades of gray and tan. These were the rich kids which always meant you'd find my buddy Jason selling to the doctors', lawyers' and cops' kids. I swear the numbskull wanted to get caught. He'd always say, "come on they got the dough, It's a gold mine." In the stupid slurred way he talked even when he was sober.
The subdivision backed up to the woods where everyone who wasn't a rat or had that 'I'm better than you attitude' met before school to let of some steam. Wit sat on an old pile of tires. She was a fake blond wearing a tight pair of jeans and a shirt that didn't quite cover her stomach or her bra. She was between a couple of doughebags. The way she dressed always attracted guys like that, but she was taken. She dated this nice, naive guy. He was older, and I think she only stuck around because of the alcohol and cigarettes; he bought her anything she wanted, anytime she asked. In turn she slept with him and the idea that she was dating an older guy kept the losers at a safe distance and gave her props with the slutty girls.
As I walked up the guys standing around slowly made excuses to leave. I had a bit of a reputation. My friends were cool, but the dumbasses that tried to hang quickly understood they were not welcome. I had always been that way. Once in eighth grade I punched a jock and knocked him out at a party. He had had a bit to drink and thought it would be funny to smack a girls ass, well that girl was me. After that, not many people messed with me.

"Sammy!" Wit screeched in a high pitched voice.

"Easy Wit. My head hurts." I glared.

"Oh sorry." She pretended she forgot about the get-together we had in Jason's basement the night before. Evan though Wit's boyfriend supplied most of the alcohol for our friends, Wit rarely drank enough to feel it the next day, and she often enjoyed making my hangover as miserable as possible. I gave her another glare before Russ ended Wit's fun. He was tall and slender. He had sandy hair which made a mop on his head and covered his grey eyes.
"Leave her alone. She had one hell of a night." He winked at me. Russ's older brother, Mitch, and I had a thing, nothing serious, but definitely hot. He was extremely attractive, but a little weird and got embarrassed easy. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes, but all the same facial features as Russ.
Wit smirked as she handed me a cigarette, then Mitch walked up next to me. I lit and inhaled looking up at Mitch seductively. He had once told me that girls smoking was one of his biggest turn-ons (he was drunk at the time, of course). I tortured him as I exhaled slowly handing him the cigarette. He used the long inhale of smoke to calm himself down and handed it back to me.
Everyone starred, and he hated it. Wit broke the awkwardness, "Kelsey is having a bonfire tonight." This wasn't anything everyone didn't already know, but Russ started talking about how Kenny was going to give, anyone who met in the woods at seven, a ride in the back of his truck.
Kenny liked Kelsey; therefore, if he could get as many people there as possible, to make her party a success, he thought he'd get her attention. And between Wit's alcohol and cigarette supply, Jason's drugs, and all the rich slutty girls with daddy issues this was the place to start. My group of friends was known as the partiers, all for our different reasons, but most of us lived on this side of town.
I put out the cigarette, and we all headed to the road as we heard the bus round the corner. We were the first stop and all of us grouped in the back four seats. Wit and I sat together and Russ, Mitch, and Jason grabbed their own seats. It was a long ride and most of us rested our eyes and listened to music in the morning, being that none of us got much sleep.
After school everyone headed to Wit's house. She lived in the trailer park between my road and the nice neighborhood along with Russ and Mitch. The guys just hung out in the living room while Wit and I changed for the party. Wit exchanged her already minimal outfit for a black tank top covered with something mesh with long sleeves. I simply removed the camisole I wore under my shirt and put the shirt back on, leaving a few of the buttons on top and bottom undone. The light shirt showed the silhouette of my dark bra without the extra layer underneath.
"Sammy, you really have started to step up the sexiness since you started sleeping with Mitch. I'm glad I used to look like a real whore next to you all covered up." She remarked looking at my outfit. I didn't have the heart to tell her she stilled looked like a whore, but inside she knew anyway.
We were there when Kenny pulled up with his truck. All the guys piled in first forcing girls to find a lap. Wit sat on Russ which made him extremely uncomfortable. As soon as I sat down on Mitch, Wit handed me a cigarette which I teased him with. He shielded his eyes which made me laugh.
He was almost prude when sober and didn't enjoy any public displays of affection, and anytime I even hinted at my sexuality or his, he became very self-conscious. The party was like any party we went to. We drank and after a few drinks and/or some pills Mitch became relaxed, and we danced and kissed.
We ended up on the edge of the field in a wooded area. He pressed me against a tree as he kissed about my neck and slowly down unbuttoning my shirt and starring at my chest. He grabbed and kissed at me continuously until we collapsed, too intoxicate to go any further. We stayed all night as did most of the party. I must have passed out, and when I woke up, Mitch was gone, having sobered up enough to grow uncomfortable again.
I sat up rubbing at my eyes and buttoning my shirt again. I was still very woozy and stumbled to my feet. As I looked around I didn't see any of my friends, so I started for the road. We were only a five minute walk from town where we often ate at a diner the morning after parties that lasted all night, but I only got a few minutes down the road before a car pulled up beside me.

"Miss," I young man's voice came from a Land Rover. "Can I drive you somewhere?"

"Get lost rich boy I'm meeting friends at the diner." I pointed to the building ahead.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. A kid drove his car into a tree last night drunk and all the cops are going around town asking about it, and if I'm not mistaken you are still very out of it." He informed.

"Now look..." I trailed off as I glanced at the man coasting in his car beside me. He wasn't just attractive he was intimidating even to me. I had never seen him before, and I knew everyone in my little town. "Get in." he commanded, "I'll take you somewhere you can clean up." He stopped the car. There was something weird about him and that commanding voice; I couldn't quite shack its tone, so I got in.

"I'm Brett." He introduced himself, the weird tone gone.

"Sammy." I sneered. "Where are we going?"

"Don't worry; we are just going to the hotel. I'm in town a few days meeting a business partner." He reassured and I scoffed. "You don't believe me." He joked laughing. "Why would I lie?" I sat there silent the rest of the short drive.
We pulled up to the local Holiday Inn and got out. We walked up to the second floor of the small hotel and stood in front of a door while he fumbled with the parcels in his hand. He looked at me, "Do me a favor?" a grin on his face. His teeth were perfect. "Yeah," I coaxed. "Can you get the key card?" he asked gesturing with is elbow to his front pocket. I gave him a look, seriously rethinking my decision to except the ride, but I did as he asked, slipping my clammy hand into his warm pocket. I felt for the plastic card and pulled it out sliding it into the slot on the door an opening it. The room was your average hotel suit, but as I stepped in I was hit by a thick woody smell. Noticing my expression he explained, "The coworkers I'm staying with use to much cologne." But I could see the uneasiness in his eyes telling me he was hiding something.
"You can shower if you'd like. I'll go get some food." He hurried off before I could say anything. I wasn't planning on the shower until I smelt myself. I reeked of mud and alcohol, not to mention the sight of twigs sticking out of my hair as I glanced in the mirror. I stripped and turned on the water before getting in. The water was warm and for the first time I realized I had been cold. I finish cleaning myself and got out grabbing a towel before a loud group entered the room beyond the bathroom door. I hesitated as I dressed telling myself "It's just his coworkers." But as I began to listen in on their conversation I wasn't feeling so safe.

"What do you think Alpha will say when we tell him about the rouge wolves?" one deep voice asked.

"Morris calm down we see shit like that all the time."

"But not this close to the trading spots. Do you think they knew we'd be here?"

"Well, if they did they have a death wish. If Alpha gets ahold of them..." another man added before he was interrupted. The door opened; it was Brett, "I got..." he paused, "What the hell are you doing here?" one of the men started to explain, "Alpha Darrens, We found rouge wolves. We killed a..." Brett cut him off, "Jake, we have company." He sneered. He must have heard me standing just behind the door because he added, "Sammy, You can come out now."
I slowly opened the door trying to proses what I heard. The three men standing in front of Brett looked bewildered; obviously my presence was unknown to them until now. "Sammy these are my associates: Morris, Jake, and Grey." Brett said still shooting an angry glare at the men. I nodded before saying I should get going. "But you didn't eat anything." Brett persisted. I grabbed a muffin off the tray he was holding and headed for the door.
"At least let me drive you." Brett commanded that voice ringing in my ears again. I didn't like the idea of him knowing where I lived but agreed despite my better judgement. We walked down to the car as he talked pleasantly telling me to ignore his friends. Brett hurried ahead of me to open the door. He talked the entire drive, but I hardly spoke, finding the entire situation a bit odd. He stopped at the end of my long driveway. My parents were stupid, but they still had to think I was walking home from a night at Wit's. I tried to get out before he said anything else, but I failed.
"Sammy, will you go to dinner with me this evening?" He asked but something in his voice commanded me. The same irresistible tone fond my ears as I forgot the uneasiness I was felling and nodded my head yes. "I'll pick you up at seven; where something nice." He said smiling and leaned over, leaving a light kiss on my cheek. I blushed and got out of the car walking up my driveway I felt his eyes possessively watching me. Oddly I didn't care; I may have even enjoyed it. I pushed away the thought. "I am going to set things right at dinner," I told myself.


Brett pulled up at seven on the dot. I looked out the window at him as he got out of the car in a black suit and walked toward the door. I downed some pills nervously as I exited the house before he could knock. I wore a red dress that hugged my curves. My hair was pulled back into a neat bun at the base of my head and large metallic earrings hung from each ear to match the heels I was wearing.

"You look beautiful." He smiled taking my hand and kissing it.

"Thank you." I said as he opened the car door. "You look nice yourself."

We kept casual conversation as he drove the gravel slinging aside each tire creating its path on the dirt road. Suddenly a large animal jumped out of the brush into the days fading light. I gasped as the car jolted to a stop. My hands shaking as I gazed at the wolf like creature. It collapsed. Brett looked over at me, "stay in the car." He yelled. I grabbed for him, scared, but he had already made his way to the injured....I looked again to what was now a naked body lying in the road. I shook my head blinking. "How many pills did I take?" I thought before I saw another wolf leap from the brush and dragging the man off in the other direction. Brett looked back at me, and I felt a sharp pain before I sensed myself slipping away.

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