Chapter Eight: Intimidation

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"Cousin, you did not think we were unaware of your new mate, or that she happens to have family still living in our territory?" A tall man with peppered hair spoke.

"Nathanial, it has been a long time has it not?" Brett called back.

"Yes, it has."

"I had hoped to make peace with you and your pack. It was not my actions that wronged you but my father's. I only wish to mend our family. I come without hostility, cousin."

"I assure you that no harm will come from us today, but I cannot promise sister will be so easy to forgive you."

"I mean no harm to your pack, and I deeply disagree with my father's decision to kill Patrick; he was my friend."

"I know and that alone has kept my Alpha Female appeased for the moment, but your pack is still not welcome in this territory. I will tell Elaine you wish to make treaty, but I do not make any promises of peace. If you or any of your pack members are found in this territory again, it will be taken as an act of war."

"Understood, cousin. I hope a treaty is possible, for the safety of both packs."

Both men nodded to one another. Nathanial left taking the few pack members he had brought with him as Brett and I climbed back in the car and left town the way we came. We were silent for a bit. Brett was angered at his cousin, and I couldn't tell if I should speak or stay quiet. Finally my curiosity got the better of me.

"So the pack you are feuding with is led by your cousins?"

"Yes, my mother's first cousin Elaine mated the alpha of a pack and had a son named Patrick. Patrick's father died when he was only ten, and his uncle, Nathanial, came to help Elaine lead the pack until he was old enough to assume the role as alpha. Pat and I grew up together. One summer when we were fifteen, Pat was visiting. He broke a big rule one so big that I would have not forgiven him myself had he lived. He raped an eleven year old girl from our pack. My father wasn't a bad man, but a harsh ruler. When he found out what Patrick had done, he made him duel for his right to live. My father said, 'If he thinks making one of his own kind feel as he did, was fun, then let's see how he feels on the other side of things.' He was dead from fatal injuries before the next morning. Elaine was infuriated, and refused to speak with our pack from that point on. There haven't been any advancements toward us, but after my father died last year, and I took my place as alpha, we are weaker, and seeing me advance to alpha has to make her think of her son not being able to do the same."

"Wow that is awful. Do you think she will move to retaliate?"

"I don't know, but I wouldn't put it past her. This runs deeper than killing her only son. It left her defenseless. As you could see Nathanial is in his late forties, well, Elaine is older. Elaine struggled to conserve for years and she only gave the alpha one heir. When her husband died she was too old to try for more children with a new alpha, Patrick was her only chance for an alpha of their pack to become the next leader. Her only chance now is to promote a beta and leave her pack weaker than it already is. Or surrender her pack to a more powerful alpha with several offspring so that one of their children may lead the pack."

"She seems too proud to surrender her pack."

"Well, even if she doesn't another alpha will come along and try to steal the right after she dies, then we may have worse neighbors to deal with."

"Couldn't you steal the rights?"

"The only way that I could do that is to kill both Elaine and Nathanial or if they die old and we had more than one son old enough to lead a pack. I don't see the later happening because their pack is becoming restless with the way things are being run, and I am not desperate enough to kill anyone."

"Oh, I didn't know those were the only ways."

"It is okay. You're a new werewolf, and no one expects you to know it all just yet." He smiled trying to hind his anger at the situation.

That was enough prying for today, but in that moment I decided I would do whatever I could to strengthen our family and our pack. I ended up dosing off again after we got on the interstate. The day had been very emotional for me, and being pregnant, I was even more exhausted than normal.
When we arrived home, I could feel as Brett opened my car door. I opened my eyes, but Brett immediately told me to go back to sleep. He lifted me and carried me into the house. I loved being in Brett's arms. I nestled my head in close; I wanted to stay there forever, but when Brett reached our room, he laid me in bed and left. I knew he had already spent one day at home alone with me this week and the pack needed him, but that didn't make me want him there any less.
I woke to a light tapping on my arm, and when I opened my eyes, I was surprised to see Kathrine staring back at me. I glanced at the clock which read four in the afternoon. I had only slept an hour, yet it felt like a whole new day.

"Come on, Brett needs a good home cooked meal after the day he's had. I figured we could just make it a family dinner. I thought you could use some help yourself."

"So you heard what happened?"

"Yes, Brett is down at the pack office meeting with officials to try and figure out how to tell the pack. A lot of the older pack members miss his father's way of ruling; they don't understand why Brett doesn't kill Elaine and Nathanial for even threatening him. Some even look at him as weak for it. Brett did a lot of things right after his father died to try and rule like him, but that isn't Brett. I don't doubt his ability to protect, but Brett is slow to violence; I believe he is a better leader for it. Now come on, get up." Kathrine reached out and pulled me in for a hug. "I know you miss your mother right now, but I hope I can fill a bit of her shoes in this hard time." She smiled and walked back down stairs.

She didn't show any other physical affection, but her overall attitude toward me didn't revert back to the cold nature I had experienced when we met. In fact, I saw her often as well as multiple other new pack members that I hadn't noticed had been avoiding me. Quite a few pack members had a distaste for humans for one reason or another, but now that I was a wolf their hesitations were all but in the past.
Every wolf I met treated me with extreme respect. Most of them lowered the heads in submission before even speaking with me. Being a leader or even being respected was a foreign concept to me. When I was a teenage human, I was constantly being judged and suspected of something. Most adults had a sour expression plastered on their faces when speaking to or referencing me. Granted I wasn't the cleanest of high school students.


It had been two week since I became a werewolf, and we had returned from leaving the notes for my parents. I didn't have much responsibility as the Alpha Female just yet, but our lives were still very different. I had this connection with Brett we were both still getting used to.
That morning I woke up to Brett making circles on my bare back with his fingers. I had become so sensitive to light touches since I was changed, and I loved anytime Brett touched me. He leaned in and kissed my lips lightly at first, but as it often did things became very passionate. Brett lifted my over him, and I giggled as he sat up with me on his lap. I ran my fingers through his hair as we kissed. He grabbed my hips and kissed me deeper.
I had learned to love the scent he had describe so many times when I was human. The scent was so distinct, and I knew it immediately; he wanted me, and I wanted him. With every fiber of my being, I was attracted to Brett. Every part of him made me want him. I was his, and he was mine.
Before we could go any further, Brett's phone rang. Someone at the offices had run into a business problem, and Brett was needed right away. We exchanged an 'I love you' and kissed one last time before Brett crawled out of bed. I watched him, yearning for more, as he walked around our room without any cloths. I watched each muscle on his toned body as he moved to get ready. He knew I was staring at him, and he just smiled at me teasing ever so slightly. We both wanted to forget the call and jump back into bed with each other, but we couldn't.


I went into town not long after Brett had left for his work day. I had begun my daily trips to the library once more. I had decided to continue my education with Brett's permission. I would be given my high school diploma from the pack school under my married name after I turn eighteen. All of the packs high school students learned from home. Many were mated and had children others were pack warriors, but none had normal schedules. I chose the library because I liked the smell of old books. I guess it reminded me of my attic at home, and it got me out of the house more.
This morning was damp; it had stormed all night and there were leaves and little limbs blown all over the roads and sidewalks. I was just passing the drugstore when I heard shouts for help. I began to run toward the notice. As I rounded the corner, I saw him. Morris was laying there on the ground bleeding. Brett suddenly ran past me he yelled, "Get her somewhere safe." Fear on his face was vivid even as he tried to hide it. I stood there froze a moment before two pack warriors grabbed me lightly guiding me into the pack office building.

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