Chapter Six: Initiation Part One

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When I woke the following morning, I expected the day to go on as normal, but that was far from what I found. The alarm didn't go off at its usual time, and when I opened my eyes, I was greeted by a warm yellow hue that enveloped the room with joy. Simple tree limb shadows danced across the room in the light breeze. I glanced over at Brett whose eyes were already firmly fixed on me. His smile grew as I nestled in close to him. I thought about him and the night before remembering every detail. Realizing in that moment that I hadn't dreamed it, but that in fact I was a werewolf, an alpha no less, and that I was now carrying Brett's child.
We cherished our time that morning, laying in bed for as long as we could before hunger beckoned us to leave the warm sheets. I grabbed my borrowed shirt off the floor and slipped it on with a new pair of underwear. I kissed Brett again before leaving him to venture downstairs to start breakfast.
I didn't want to make anything complicated, but when I started looking for something, I found myself carried away, making every breakfast food I could find. By the time Brett joined me I was well into cooking bacon, sausage, ham, eggs, gravy, biscuits, pancakes, Etc.

"Well, isn't this a feast?" He looked at me smiling.

"Yeah, I don't know what happened." I laughed.

"It's a werewolf/pregnant werewolf thing." He laughed back.

"Oh, well that explains it I guess."

"Where can I help?"

At first I was a bit shocked. I had never seen Brett lift a finger in the kitchen which wasn't contradictory to most of the pack males, but being in a bit over my head I didn't refuse. Before coming here, I hadn't done much cooking in my old life, not that I didn't know how, it just wasn't a big part of my day.
Thinking about that for only a moment all of a sudden made me very homesick. I had never really had a close relationship with my parents, and my extended family lived on the other side of the country, but in that instance I had an over whelming need to tell my mother about the baby, and in that sentiment, I thought about how devastated they must be not knowing what happened to me. My friends, the town, it was a small place and people didn't just go missing, surly they didn't think that I ran away? What if they thought I had a mental breakdown or another overdose? They probably thought I was dead in the woods or a field somewhere. My teachers would blame my parents having not been there. My parents would blame my friends. My friends would blame Mitch having been the last one to see me.
My brain was deep in thought and at some point my breathing had become heavy, and I had slid down in a corner of the kitchen tears running down my cheeks. When I came back to reality, Brett was down on his knees on the floor next to me. He was asking what was wrong, but I couldn't quite put the words together yet. He took a deep look into my eyes and sighed, "Your family." He looked disheartened at the floor before he spoke again.
"We will figure something out. I promise, they will get to see you again; I just don't know when. We will let them know you're okay. After the celebration tonight, we will pack our things and take a trip to your town. We will leave a note or something. It will be okay. You have to trust me." I knew his words were honest, and he would do what he could to ease my heart, but in that moment I didn't know if it would be enough.
He scooped me up in his large arms cradling me close to him. His breath made my own steady again. His embrace felt like home, and I felt safe with him. We finished preparing the food and ate. I found myself devouring plate after plate until the food was gone. I had never eaten that much in one day let alone one hour.

"So what exactly is going on today?" I asked my curiosity getting the better of me.

"Well, I figure we'll just hang out here until dusk. The pack is getting together for a hunt in your honor at the edge of the woods. We'll shift and run together. You will make your first prey kill, and be accepted into the pack, soak in the forest scent. The pack will submit to you as their alpha, and we will make the announcement that you're pregnant."

"Wow, that's a lot in one night." I said looking to the ground.

"They will love you Sam. You don't have anything to worry about." Brett said a smile across his face. "I am so proud of you, and I know they will be too."

"If you say so."

We smiled at each other and began to laugh. We stood and cleaned off the table. I started on the dishes filling the sink with water. As I turned to find a towel Brett reached into the sink splashing water in my direction.

"What was that for?" I laughed.

"Oh I don't know." He said with a smirk on his face.

I walked toward the sink and splashed him back. We both laughed as we dodged each other's attempts to get the other with soapy dishwater. Finally collapsing on the couch in laughter; Brett looked over to me. "You're so beautiful." He said as he leaned in to kiss me. His lips were light but deliberate as he kissed me slowly. I lifted my arms around him my fingers playing in his hair. Suddenly, he stopped moving off the couch to the floor in front of me.

"Samantha, I love you and our child so much already. Will you do me the human honor of marrying me?" He looked up at me, eyes gleaming.

"Of course Brett." I smiled.

In that moment Brett lifted me in the air spinning around. He kissed me deeply holding me tight to his body. In that moment, I was truly happy and my life felt complete. I could feel the child growing inside me, and I could feel the love and devotion Brett had for his new found family. He would do whatever he could to keep us safe and happy. I knew he would always be there to support us.
We found much love in the coming hours, feeling totally at ease with each other. Brett held me close much of the day as though if he let me go, I would disappear. I found myself yearning for his presence in the brief moments we would separate. I loved this wolf with all my heart and often all my body as well (another wolf side effect I presumed).
Brett and I play fought and ran around like little kids, but in a slight change in atmosphere, we would find ourselves deeply entangled in each other again and again. My heart beat racing, and my body aching for his touch. As soon as it seemed we were done, we found ourselves there once more. If this is how being a wolf was, I loved it.


We were sitting on the couch at around six in the evening when a knock came at the door. Brett looked over to me almost asking if I was expecting anyone. I shrugged and got up to answer the door. A woman with red hair that had begun to grey stood there proudly. She looked me up and down before entering without permission.

"Brett, I presume this is your mate?" She questioned looking me over again.

"Mother!" Brett shot off the couch rushing to huge his mother.

"And she..." She questioned looking over at me.

"Mom this is Samantha. I believe you've heard the good news?" He smiled joining me.

"Well, I guess it is about time. You took long enough didn't you?" She seemed as though she had already made her judgment of me, though I had yet to say a word.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. This is all a bit new for me, but I am doing my best."

"Samantha?" She paused looking for conformation, and I nodded. "Don't ever explain yourself to anyone. You are an alpha and your present, past, and future decisions are yours alone."

"Yes, thank you." I said keeping a smile on my face.

"Very well, I will see you at the hunt." She said giving us both a slight smile and walking out the door.

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