Chapter Six: Initiation Part two

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My hands were sweating and my stomach in knots as we walked toward the group of pack members. The cool evening breeze was beginning to pick up as the sun sank behind the tree line, and I held close to Brett. He seemed different in a way. His blue eyes were gleaming, and he was more confident than usual. I hoped some of that confidence would rub off on me.
The group was larger than I expected. Not every member was there due to business and such, but the group compiled all groups and ages. The woman and children all looked giddy except for Brett's mother who stood off to the side looking as composed as always. The men spoke to one another boasting about how they found their own mate. The group was loud with chatter, but as soon as we approached silence swept over them, and each member turned to face their alpha. Brett smiled at this gesture, and I did the same trying to mimic his confident attitude.
"Thank you all for coming this evening and making time in your busy schedules to meet your new Alpha Female. Everyone, this is Samantha!" A roar of claps and howls grew as he said my name. "Let the hunt commence!" at that ever member of the group started to remove their clothing setting it in piles on the ground. I looked over to Brett as he nodded removing his shirt, and I joined.
One by one they shifted and waited looking at me. As I removed the last piece of clothing, I looked over at Brett who stood by my side a proud smile on his face as he looked at me. He shifted into his majestic grey and brown wolf, and I followed once again. He looked out on the group tipping his head back and howling. The whole pack echoing his howl, including me.
Brett looked over at me once again nodding for me to follow as he broke out in a run toward the trees. The branches grabbed at my fur and leaves crunched under my paws. I could smell everything as the forest was engulfed by my heightened senses. My breathing stayed steady as I leaped and ran through the trees the moon and stars lighting my path.
Then I spotted it, a mature buck across the forest. I locked my sights on it and pounced ripping the throat of the animal with one clean bit. Brett and I had talked over the ceremony, though I had read about it in several pack books. I was to bring the kill and lay it at his feet as a sign of submission. He would take the first bit and then we would share the kill. That is exactly what happened. A few key members of the pack stayed to watch this take place such as his beta, his family, and the elders, but most of the pack hunted for small game.
As dawn grew near, the pack congregated near the edge of the forest again shifting back and putting their clothes on. They looked eager to hear form their Alpha Female for the first time. I glanced at Brett as he smiled and nodded. I stood tall and cleared my throat; the pack silenced immediately.

"Pack Wolves, I am more than elated to be a part of this family we call a pack. Our Alpha is a strong and fare leader. He is a dedicated wolf, and I can only imagine great things for us in the future. I am pleased to inform all of you that we are indeed expecting the first of many pups, and that we are more than ecstatic over the news as we are sure you are as well."

The group roared with happy conversations. Every wolf including Brett's mother had a smile from ear to ear. Suddenly, I was knocked over, it was Rachel. Her blond curly hair bouncing as she jumped around with a giddy smile.

"We are going to have pups the same age. Isn't that so cool? I can't wait."

"I know!" I smiled as she helped me to my feet.

"Oh I hope they are both the same gender. They'll be best friends!"

She ran off into the crowd, but I could still see her blond curls bouncing in joy. Brett was right; being a mother at my age didn't matter anymore. It just seemed right. Brett smiled over to me as he talked with a group of older males. I was so distracted that I hadn't noticed Brett's mother walk up to me.

"He is a wonderful young Alpha." I jumped, startled, as she spoke.

"Yes, he is. I don't doubt he will be a great father."

"He will. You can call me Kathryn by the way."

"Okay Kathryn. I do hope to do Brett justice." I said knowing she wanted the best for her son, and I trying to win her graces.

"You already have, child." She said, to my surprise, resting a hand on my stomach. "And after only one night of mating. I know you will bare many pups for him."

"Thank you." I said blushing. Brett's mother was talking to me about our sexual relationship, and I was uncomfortable.

"No need to blush, child. You are a strong woman, part of that is being able to be as willing as any man in the bed room." She smiled winking at me. "You are not alone. I am here for you. You have proven yourself, and I except you as one of my daughters." She reached out and hugged me tight. I could tell her skeptical behavior was only temporary and that in her mind I was now indeed family.
She walked away hugging Brett as he walked toward me. Brett silently grabbed my waist lifting me in the air as he hugged me tight. We looked at each other and without words decided to call it a night. We walked back to the house hand in hand. We hardly spoke, but it was a comfortable silence. When we got home, we walked up stairs and settled in for the night.
We laid their tangled in each other. My head rested on his chest. Suddenly he took a deep breath, his eyes searching the room for something that wasn't there. Finally he spoke.



"You aren't afraid of me are you?"

"Why would you ask that?"

"I don't know. I just can't stop thinking that the only reason you stayed is because you didn't see a way to escape, that you were afraid that I would hurt you if you tried to leave."

"At first I felt like that a bit, but that was before I knew you. Then slowly it just kinda clicked, that maybe this is right for me, and that just maybe this whole true mate thing could be possible. When I was changed I felt it. We were meant to be together. I know that now, and I want to be with you. I want our pup; I want this."

"But your family, I took you from them."

"Yeah, but my parents weren't really there. Sure, I want them to know I'm okay, but we weren't ever close. And my friends... I would have stayed a stupid kid, Brett. Drinking and drugging myself every day because I hated my life" In that sentence I said aloud for the first time what I had been thinking for weeks. "I had no purpose. I was a waste. Brett, you saved me."

"No Sam, you saved me. I haven't always been this man" His eyes drifted to the floor. "I have done really bad things, Samantha. Things I'm not proud of. As a wolf they may have been expected, but that doesn't mean they were right."

"Brett, I love you. No matter what."

"You say that, but after hearing what I've done, I don't know if you'll be able to look me in the face." His face was stone cold serious, and my mind went crazy thinking of what he could possibly have done. Through my thoughts Brett's voice rang again, "Go to sleep Samantha, you and the baby need rest."

As I rolled over I couldn't keep my mind from wandering, but eventually I was too tired to keep my eyes open, so I slept. Safe in the arms of possibly a very dangerous werewolf that I wasn't too sure I knew anymore.

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