Chapter Five: Sensation Part Two

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He looked deep into my eyes putting his hands on each side of my face. Before he could ask, I reassured him, "I'm sure. I want you to make me your mate." He smiled big lifting me in the air once more. I held on to him with my legs and arms pressing my body tight against his. As he kissed me deeply, He grabbed tightly at my hips and butt. Breaking away only to speak; he looked into my eyes once more. "When I start, I can't stop you understand that right? It has to happen in order or it won't count. I have to mate you, or I will be breaking one of my own rules." I nodded telling him I understood (werewolves in Brett's pack weren't allowed to change a human unless they were choosing them as their mate).
My nod was enough to answer his question. As his wolf became very impatient, he let out a deep gruff noise. It shocked me slightly, but it didn't scare me. He walked me up the stairs and laid me back on the bed. He pulled each piece of my clothing off slowly enjoying every new inch of exposed skin. When I laid there naked, he stood back to admire his match. He then stripped himself pulling his shirt off and undoing his belt; he slipped each idem onto the floor. The room was dim, but I could still make out the lines defining each muscle. He walked toward me extending his hand. As I grabbed it, he sat next to me, his eyes still roaming me body. He made that gruff noise again which I found oddly arousing. He kissed me again passionately and long. I could feel my insides twist with anticipation.

"Are you ready, for the bite?"

"Yes, I am." I sighed.

"It will hurt a moment, but only until your transformation is complete. Then it will heal without a scar."

"Okay, go ahead."

He put himself behind me and rested his hands on the outsides of my upper arms. Slowly and gently he lowered his head and opened his mouth placing his teeth on my shoulder. He bit down and pain shot throughout my body as I fell back into him. He held on with his teeth as the transformation started. It was like a drug interring by blood stream, I felt myself lost in its will as each of my cells became its home. Suddenly my senses heightened and my body relaxed no longer crippled by the pain. In that moment Brett released his grip. "Your turn. How does it feel?" He said smiling. I turned around on my knees, "amazing." He looked at me grinning bigger, "Just wait, it gets better."
I sat across his lap as he put his arms around my waist. I opened my mouth and touched my teeth lightly to his shoulder before biting down. I could taste the blood in my mouth, but Brett didn't even flinch. As I let go thinking that was it, the feeling hit me. I could feel his heart beat, his breath, his muscles, and his presence all without touching him. It was as if his body was connected to mine, and I could tell he felt it too.
"We need to do it now." I heard the voice echo in my mind. I could feel him growing beneath me as I still sat across his lap. Without hesitation I moved myself allowing him to enter me. We continued mating, changing in and out of wolf form, until the ritual was completed.
By the time we were finished the sun was long gone, and we were both starving and exhausted. He picked up his phone and dialed his beta.

"Hey Grey, make the announcement, we will have a run tomorrow night in honor of the new Alpha Female Samantha. Yes, at sunset everyone will meet at the north woods. See you then. Bye."

In that moment I realized what I had just accepted by mating Brett, a powerful alpha. I now had more power physically and socially than I had ever imagined having. My body tingled and my insides twisted. A whole new feeling came over me. In shock I sat up. I thought to myself,

"What just happened?" I looked at Brett, and he was sitting back against the head board smiling.

"Do you know what that was?"

"No." I looked at him puzzled as he sat up and put his hand across my stomach.

"You're carrying my child. Samantha, you're going to be a mom."

"Wait, what, how? Already but..."

"You're a werewolf now remember? Human rules don't apply. You have a deeper connection to your body and the things around you." He smiled.

"But how did you?"

"I'm your mate and that's my pup. We have a connection now Samantha; I could feel it too. It doesn't stop when the ceremony is done the connection is for life. Every time we mate, it will feel that intense and every time something happens to one of us the other will know."

"Wow! I can't believe it. Are you sure?"

"You felt it too Sam. It's real."

I hugged him tight. I was so happy. All the human doubts were gone, and I knew everything was right. I wanted this baby, and I was over joyed it was Brett's. I felt safe with him, and I wanted to make him happy. He pulled away for a moment.



"I love you." His words floated in the air, and I didn't have to think about it.

"I love you too." I kissed him.

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