Chapter Ten: Isolation Part One

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The next morning when I woke Brett was already up. He was standing by the dresser opposite our bed. He turned and looked at me as he heard me rustle under the covers. His bags were packed sitting on top of the dresser. I could see the hesitation in his eyes; he didn't want to leave me. He didn't want to fight this war. He didn't want to conquer the east territory. He didn't want the pressure and the responsibility of a whole new pack under his control.

I got up the sheet wrapped around my naked body. I went to him as he turned back to the mirror hanging over the dresser. I hugged him from behind resting my cheek on his back. I could hear as he took a deep breath. He turned around, but instead of speaking to me, he kneeled resting his forehead on my stomach.

"I love you and your mother so much. I never want to be away from you, but I can't just think about myself. I have to keep you safe. I have to keep your mother safe. I have to keep our pack safe to ensure your future little one. One day this will be your pack and your responsibility, but I hope I can live a long life before that happens." He kissed my stomach before standing and looking into my eyes.

"Samantha, I love you very much. I want so badly for this all to be over, and when it is you can see your family and your friends. We can marry, and I can be here for you and our pup." He paused, and I could tell he was fighting the tears back. "But if I don't come back..." I tried to say something, to protest, but he simply held his finger to my lips. "Sam, I have to say this. If I don't come back, I want you to take a new mate. I want you to forget about me and to be happy. Get somewhere safe and live quietly and happy." He looked deep into my eyes, "Promise me, Samantha."

"I promise." I said tears running down my cheeks. "I love you Brett. You have to be okay. You have to come home." He simply looked at me and smiled, "that's the plan." He said with a sad laugh. "Now come on you have to pack. We won't leave until everyone is safe in the school."


I looked over the crowd of crying woman and children, but knew when Brett came to say goodbye, I could not shed a tear. 'I must be strong' I repeated over again in my mind resting my hand on my stomach. 'I have to be an example' I thought to myself.

"Alpha Female." I turned to find a small girl with blond pigtails tugging on my skirt.

"Yes sweetheart. What is your name?" I asked kneeling down next to her.

"Lucinda, but I like Lucy better ma'am." She said a bright smile on her face.

"Well, Lucy what can I do for you?"

"Well, Alpha Female ma'am my daddy says he has to go help the alpha, and that I have to stay here, but I don't wanna be alone." She whispered twiddling her fingers.

"Well, won't your mother be here with you, hun?"

"My mama went to the mother wolf when I was a baby. That's what daddy says, and I don't have a new one yet." She said still whispering.

"Well, Lucy can I met your daddy?"

"Sure, but don't tell him I said anything about being alone. I supposed to be brave." She whispered.

"I promise." At that she smiled and took my hand pulling me through the crowd to a tall man with a large smile.

"Daddy." she tapped.

"Yes sweetie." He said as he turned. "Oh, Alpha Female, I'm sorry. Is she bothering you?"

"Of course not, Lucy and I were just talking about how brave we were going to be while you all were gone." I winked over to her. "And I asked if I could meet you."

"Oh well Alpha Female I am pleased to meet you personally. My name is Isaac. I am an officer for the Alpha." He lowered his head.

"Well, I understand your mate has passed, and I didn't want you to worry about Lucy while you are away. I wanted to let you know, I will be keeping an eye on her personally." I looked down at Lucy. "Would you like that?"

"Yes, ma'am I would." She smiled.

"Since you told me I can call you Lucy, would it be okay if you call me Sam? My name is Samantha, but I like Sam better." I winked at her again.

"Okay Sam." She smiled bright.

"Well, I will let you two say your farewells. It was nice to meet you Isaac." I turned to leave.

"Alpha Female," I turned back and nodded. "Thank you."

"Thank you." I smiled before leaving.

I searched the crowd for Brett. When I found him, he was standing with a group of men at the side of the gym. His face was serious, and I could tell he was speaking about business, so I waited just outside his group until he was finished. When he dismissed his men, I walked up next to him. We didn't speak, but simply embraced one another. He kissed the top of my head sighing deeply.


Soon it was time for them to leave. The sun had been up for only a few minutes, and we all knew it was time. The goodbyes were said, and the men piled into cars and vans bound for the east territory. The remaining pack stood outside the school waving until they couldn't see the vehicles any longer.

As we slowly went into the school, I felt a hand grab mine. I looked down at sweet Lucy's tears stained cheeks. I smiled at her gently, and she returned a reluctant smile of her own. I squeezed her hand lightly and lead us into one of the rooms. My main job was to keep up spirits, and I would make my rounds every day to each of the classrooms. I would speak with the children and their teachers. I would talk with the woman and keep tabs on the men's security measures. I was Alpha Female and right now my job begins.


I had made my rounds and did all of my days duties with Lucy at my side. Soon she would spend some of the days in a classroom, but for now she needed me, and in a way I needed her. Her sweet smile and the way she looked at me as if I was a hero; I needed to believe that right now.

I found a cot to call my own and one for Lucy in one of the offices. We got ready for bed, and though Lucy slept easy my thoughts kept me awake. I knew Brett was too busy with the war to call and tell me goodnight, but I had hoped still that I would be able to hear his voice. I knew he would call and give us an update when one was needed, and I couldn't wait for that moment. To hear he was alright, to hear anything.

At some point late in the night I finally drifted off, only to be woken by a loud crashing noise. "Help!" A woman yelled from down the hall followed by more screams

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