Chapter 13

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Austin's POV

The news of Emily being pregnant still hadn't registered in my head, and it had been two days.

I hadn't gone to school, and mom was starting to get suspicious.

I was basically avoiding Emily and Justin, too pissed to look at them.

I wanted to talk to Emily but I just didn't have the balls.

I hated that I hurt her so bad, and that I left her in the hallway alone.

How else was I supposed to react?

I'm eighteen years old, turning nineteen in three months.

I didn't want to be a dad, not yet.

How was I supposed to support a child, when I can barely take care of myself?

"Austin! Get down here now!" I heard my mom shout up the stairs, her tone making my skin crawl.

She was scary when she wanted to be.

I reluctantly walked downstairs, dragging my feet.

I assumed she was in the kitchen, getting some coffee before work.

"Yes?" I asked, sighing.

"And what do you think you're doing home today?" She asked, looking at me with narrowed eyes.

"I, uh, I'm sick." I answered, coughing feebly at the end of my sentence.

"Oh really? You seemed fine yesterday, and the day before that. There's no way you're having three days off school, young man."

I winced.

"It's too late to go now, anyway." I shrugged, looking at the clock that hung on the green wall.

"You're going in before lunch, mister." She told me, pointing a finger at me.

"But, mom!" I whined, tipping my head back.

"Don't 'but mom' me, you're going to school today, and that's final." She scolded, grabbing her to go cup and her purse.

I huffed angrily.

"Stop sulking, your education is important."

Yeah? Well, I probably wouldn't have an education for much longer if I was going to have a baby.

Anyway, who needs education when they're going to be a singer?

"Now, I need to go before I'm late. I'll be calling the school at one sharp, and you better be there." She warned, pinching my cheeks and trotting out of the kitchen, out the house and to her car.

I groaned loudly, kicking the cupboard of the marble side.


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