Chapter 15

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Austin's POV

I broke the speed limit as I raced to her house, wanting to get there before Taylor warned her that I was on my way.

I knocked on the door, well, more like pounded on the door.

I heard soft footsteps before the door opened.

"Emily." I breathed once I saw her face.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She spat with venom, glaring at me.

I took a second to analyze her.

Her skin was sickly pale, with a hint of green to it.

She looked extremely skinny, which was ironic seeing as she was pregnant, and pregnancy made you gain weight.

She didn't look good.

"Are you okay?" I asked stupidly, holding her stare.

"Go away." She said bluntly, not answering my question.

She attempted to shut the door on me, but I managed to push against it.

"Please, Emily! I just want to talk! We need to sort this out!" I pleaded, desperation seeping from me.

She was silent for a minute.

Before, releasing the door and stepping aside.

I eyed her warily, stepping in the door and shutting the door behind me.

Emily guided me to the living room, walking steadily and almost swaying.

"Are you okay?" I asked for the second time, noticing how pale she'd suddenly gone.

"I just feel a little sick." She mumbled, weakly sitting down on the chocolate colored couch.

Oh, morning sickness.

She was wearing leggings, a tight tank top and a large beige cardigan.

When she sat down and relaxed, I could see her stomach protrude slightly and my breath caught in my throat.

This was real.

"Stop fucking staring at me and sit down, I thought you wanted to talk." She snapped, her eyes burning holes in my body.

I awkwardly sat down on the edge of the recliner situated near the couch.

I coughed uneasily.

"How far along are you?"

"About two months, I'll find out for definite tomorrow."

"Erm, is it really mine?" I asked.

"Yes, asshole." She quipped, going tense.

"Okay, okay. I believe you. Do you know what you're going to do with it?"

My palms were sweating, so I wiped them on my jeans.

"Call it 'it' one more time and I will punch you." She warned, gritting her teeth.

In all honesty, I was scared of her.

"Sorry, but have you decided anything yet?" I rubbed my neck awkwardly, toying with my car keys.

"I'm not keeping it." She stated, looking at me.

"You're getting an abortion?" I asked, shocked.

"No, I can't kill my baby." She murmured, rubbing her small bump,

"Well, what are you doing then?" I frowned, confused.

"Giving him up for adoption."

What? She could decide that without my say?

I was the father!

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