Chapter 33

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Austin's POV

Tears started falling down my face and I sniffled loudly, glad that nobody was around to see this.

I choked back sobs, wiping my face.

I must have sat there for a good half an hour, just crying and letting my emotions run wild.

I started to feel guilty though, I felt selfish because Emily was all on her own with those doctors.

I stood up and brushed myself off, holding my head up and heading back to the emergency room.

I stopped outside of Emily's room, where I once again watched her through the window.

She was laid in the bed asleep, covered with a white sheet that resembled her skin earlier today.

I could see her chest moving as she breathed slowly and steadily.

Her monitor was beating with each pulse of her heart.

I couldn't take my eyes off her.

Suddenly, a hand was placed on my shoulder causing me to jump at least three feet into the air.

I turned around after gaining my composure, coming face to face with an elderly man with a stethoscope around his neck and a file tucked under his arm.

"Are you a relative of Emily Smith?" He asked, his voice gruff.

"I, um, brought her in." I mumbled, glancing back at her.

"Okay, right. Well, she's going to be okay. We think her body went into shock and overworked itself from a stressful or threatening situation. We also managed to save the baby, who was actually unharmed by this." He informed me causing my eyes to go wide as I processed the news.

"The baby is okay?" I gasped.

He smiled and nodded.

"I can't believe it, I was expecting the worst! There was just so much blood." I whispered, speaking more to myself than to him.

"Are you the father?" He wondered, opening up the file, which I assumed was Emily's.

I nodded in reply, too happy to talk.

Emily was okay.

The baby was okay.

Everything was okay.

"I'll send one of my colleagues to come and talk to you once Emily wakes up, she's on heavy medication right now, you can go and sit with her if you like." He announced, patting my shoulder before departing to another patient.

I stood there completely shocked and dumbfounded.

"Austin?" I heard the worried voice of my mom yell from the end of the hallway as she frantically searched for me, still wearing her work uniform from the bistro.

I waved her over and she visibly relaxed once she noticed my smiling demeanor.

She rushed over to me, immediately wrapping her arms around me.

"She's okay, mom, the baby is too." I grinned, overwhelmingly happy.

"I'm glad, baby." She replied, kissing my forehead.

I looked back at Emily who was still sedated.

I was going to make all of this okay.

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