Chapter 48

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Emily's POV

"Emily, calm down!" Taylor exclaimed as I hurried around the house like a maniac, trying to get everything ready.

"Don't tell a pregnant girl to calm down!" I shrieked. "Ugh, where did I put my songbook?"

"It's on the table." Taylor said, pointing beside me. I picked it up with a sigh of relief.

"Thank god. Okay, I need to get the music sheets, call the band, get the instruments ready-"

"Emily!" Taylor yelled.

"La la la la la, I can't hear you!" I said as I went into the living room and started arranging magazines that were thrown on the table. "Mess, mess, mess."

"Emily, you need to sit down and take a deep breath." Taylor said as she followed me into the room.

"I'm fine. I'm just getting everything ready."

"For what? The concert isn't even at your place, and it's not until tomorrow." She told me. She took my arm and sat me down on the couch. "Take a deep breath."

I did as she asked, breathing in deeply and exhaling slowly. "There." I got back up and went into the kitchen. "Have you seen Austin's guitar?"

"I meant take a deep breath and sit down for a while, but no, Emily, I haven't seen it. Don't worry, I'll take care of calling the band and everything." My best friend told me, grabbing the phone. "So you can go sit down on the chair right over there so I can keep an eye on you until the guys get back, alright? You're freaking me out."

I reluctantly started heading over to the chair until I heard Pancakes start yapping, and I turned around and went to the porch. "Pancakes, be quiet, I'm already going crazy, I don't need you helping."

She yapped again and I opened the back door, letting her out. "Stay out until I say come back in!"

"She can't understand human talk, Emily." Taylor called from the kitchen.

"She gets the idea!" I yelled hysterically. "She's a dog, they're smart!" I stopped. "Oh crap, I totally forgot to get a good copy of the new set list."

I hurried to where the piano was and flipped through all of the papers, hoping I'd find it, that maybe I actually had made a good copy. No such luck.

"SHIT!" I screamed, throwing the papers up in frustration before slamming my hands down on the piano keys, producing a deep, twisted sound.

"Whoa, what's going on?" I heard Austin say from the doorway. I looked up and saw Alex standing beside him.

"Shit's going on, that's what's going on!" I exclaimed. "I don't have a new copy of the set list, I can't get anything right today, I can't find your guitar for tomorrow, and everything is just shit shit shit!" I stormed past them and into the hallway, going to the back porch.

I opened the door. "Let's go, Pancakes, inside now!"

She ran in with her tail between her legs and went straight to Austin, who scooped her up. "Jesus, Emily. Calm down. The dog didn't do anything."

Taylor came into the hallway. "Emily, stop it now."

"Why can't we all just be friends?" Alex cried before running into the hallway closet and closing the door, shrieking like a girl inside.

I was breathing fast and heavily, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't relax. Or speak.

Austin realized this and his eyes widened. "Dammit, she's having one of her panic attacks again!" He said, handing Pancakes to Taylor before hurrying over to me. "Emily, look at me, look me in the eyes. This isn't good for the baby, think about the baby, come on."

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