Your talent

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Scott: Singing. You always loved to sing and you were pretty good at it. Buy you never told anybody until Scott walked in on you sing to your favorite song.

Stiles: Dancing. You always danced alone in your room and you have gotten really good at it. When the school dance came around everybody saw your dance move and so did Stiles and he loved it.

Isaac: Drawing. You grew up drawing. All around your room were sketch books full of sketches. When Isaac saw what you could do he thought you were really talented.

Liam: Painting. You love to paint things. Once you bought a black and white painting and you thought it was to plain so you put some color on it. Liam saw the painting and thought it was cool even if you only did paint a little bit of it.

Jackson: Interior Design. You always loved to design your room in different ways and when you did it always looked like a team of interior designers did it. Jackson loved when you changed you room like that.

Derek: Singing. (The same as Scott.)

Jordan: Painter. (The same as Liam.)

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