Type of Boyfriend He Is

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Scott: He's the type to be protective. He's always worried about you whenever there is a threat to the pack.

Stiles: He's the funny type. He will always crack a joke in very serious moment or whenever you're sad.

Isaac: He's the shy type. Even after getting together and he is still pretty shy around you especially when you complement him about something he manages to blush.

Liam: He's the touchy type. He will always put an arm around you. It doesn't matter if you're in public or not he will do it. He likes to always know that you're right next to him.

Jackson: He's the sexy type. He will always want to do some type of sexual move with you no matter where you are.

Derek: He's the mysterious type. He would never tell you things when you first got together and when leave you out of things he does. So it was a mystery to you whenever he did something with out you cause you don't know what he's doing.

Jordan: He's the loving type. He will never go a day without him telling you he loved you. He would give little gifts and do things for you to show you he loved you.

Brett: He's the jealous type. Whenever he sees someone flirting with you he will get mad and go to the guy and tell him to get away from you. If the guy is still there Brett will get even more mad and begin to wolf out until you pull him away and calm him down. After he's calm and will usually give you a passionate kiss to say that your his.

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