Your Phobia

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    Achuophobia- fear of the dark

When you were little your abusive father would lock you in your basement without the lights on. So now your scared of the dark.

    Selenophobia- fear of the moon

You never knew why but you just always hated the full moon.

    Arsonphobia- fear of fire

You're a Hale. So when your family died in the fire it made you scared of fire ever since.

    Agoraphobia- fear of large crowds

Ever since you were little you hated large crowds and you never knew why.

    Cleithrophobia- fear of being in small spaces

You're related to Isaac so your father would lock both you and Isaac in the freezer. So both of you guys hate small spaces.

    Algophobia- fear of pain

You were tortured once by Kate to see if you knew where Derek and know you hate being in pain.

    Pnigophobia- fear of being choked

Once a man came up to you and started to choke you until someone found you and scared the man away. Ever since you hated people putting there hands around your neck.

    Obesophobia- fear of gaining weight

You used to get made fun of for being 'fat' so ever since you hated gaming weight.

    Thanatophobia- fear of death or dying

You had a near death experience and ever since you were scared of dying.

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