His First Thoughts On You

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Scott: Wow she's gorgeous. Y/N thats a pretty name. Okay shes sitting behind you stay calm and say hi to her. She smiled at me. Okay now the end of class ask to show her around. She said yes awesome.

Stiles: Okay. Y/N. Y/N. Uh maybe thats her. It is okay. Wow she's beautiful with her big y/e/c eyes. Alright go to her and introduce yourself. Stop looking at her. Oh crap she caught me staring. Alright the sessions over now ask for her number. Awesome she gave it to me.

Isaac: She is beautiful and alone. Go over there and talk to her. Okay. She smiled at me. Smiled back. Wow she's interesting. She has to go now ask for number. She gave it to me cool. Best day ever.

Liam: Wow who is that. Omg thats a girl. Shes good as good as me. She got on the lacrosse team cool. Go up to her and talk to her. Shes cute now ask for her number. Cool im sure going to talk to her soon.

Jackson: Damn shes hot. Why haven't i noticed her before. Shes looking at me now walk over to her and say something. Okay ask her out. She said yes. Cool now wink and walk away.

Derek: Shes lost help her out. Wow she's gorgeous. Alright shes out and she thanked me. Shes nice. Wow she kissed me. I hope i see her again.

Jordan: Whos that. Wow she's beautiful. Go ask why shes here. Oh shes waiting for Scott and Stiles. They might take long sit with her. Wow shes great and y/n is a pretty name for a pretty girl. Damn Scott and Stiles called her she has to go. I hope i see her soon.

Brett: Wow. Y/N has gotten hot over the summer. To bad shes Liam's sister and we hate each other. But y/n i dont hate her. Okay go over to her. She noticed me. Wow the way she said that was harsh. Ya thats right i came over her to check you out. Now be cool and walk away.

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