Soulmate AU (Liam)

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A/N: I'm going to be starting a little story for every character about their soulmate. I've read a bunch of these and always wanted to do it so here it is. If you don't know what I mean by this it's where everyone has a clock on there arm and clocks down until you meet the one. When you do the clock goes to zero and starts to fade away. Hope you enjoy.

You have just moved to Beacon Hills for your dads job. It's great and your house is huge but you did leave your best friend. It's gunna suck to be the new girl at school but you are hopeful that the day will be okay.

As you get ready to leave you look down at your wrist. It reads:


You see that your going to be meeting your soulmate at school. You start to get nervous and think of if he doesn't like you. You snap out of your thoughts when you hear your mom calling you.

"Y/N come on sweetheart you'll be late for your first day!" Your mom screaming at you. "Coming!" You say grabbing your phone and bag and heading downstairs.

"Alright I'm ready." You say to her. "Okay. Let's go." She says as you both make your way to the car. As your on your way to school your mom looks at you.

"How much time is left on the clock?" She asks you glancing back and forth of you and the rode. "Um...45 minutes left." You say looking at the clock then her.

"That means you meet him today. You excited." She ask. "I guess. I mean what if he doesn't like me?" " Honey he's gunna love you. Trust me." She says with a smile. "Thanks mom." You say as you pull up to the school.

"Okay, go on. I'll pick you up after school and you can tell me who your soulmate is." She says when you get out the car. "Okay I'll see you later." You tell her walking away and wave and her waving back.

You enter the school and see all the students talking and laughing with each other. You breath and walk to the office to get your schedule.

After your getting schedule you head to find your locker. You find it and put your lock combination in. As you open it the door comes in contact with some kids face.

You look with your mouth wide open. "I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there." You say bending down to him. When he looks at you you notice his gorgeous blue eyes. You also notice your clock.


"So you're my soulmate?" The boy says to you as you help him get up while your still staring into each other's eyes. "Ya I guess so." You say to him. He smiles at you as you guys are still holding hands.

"I'm Liam. Liam Dunbar." He says now shaking your hand. You smile back and say,"Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N."

"Nice to meet you y/n." He says as you guys stand there still staring at each other not believing you found each other.

"Let me show you around." Liam says as he closes you locker and takes your hand again to pull you along with him.

As you walk with him you know that being at this school will be great and change your life for the greater good.

You weren't glad to be in Beacon Hills at first but now that your with Liam your happy to be here.

A/n: I hope you guys liked that I will most likely be doing more of those for the characters.


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