The language he learns 'I love you' in

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Scott: Spanish. When he found out you spoke Spanish he wanted to learn something in that language. So it happened to be 'I love you'.

Stiles: Portuguese. When you told him you were Portuguese he asked how you say 'I love you' in it. You told him and then he said it back to you.

Isaac: French. He always wanted to say 'I love you' to someone in another language and when he met you he had the chance. So when he said 'I love you' it happened to be in French which was your family background.

Liam: Italian. He wanted you to teach him Italian so when you did you told him how to say 'I love you'. So later he said it to you in Italian.

Jackson: Russian. He wanted to say 'I love you' for the first time so he decided to do it in Russian. When he said it you were so happy.

Derek: Latin. You told him you were Latin, so he thought about saying 'I love you' in it. So he learned how to speak it and told you he loved you.

Jordan: Swedish. He wanted to learn how to speak Swedish, so he toke up some lessons. When he learned 'I love you' he spoke it to you and you were so happy.

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