Chapter 1

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Ah, September. I hate it. The weather is annoying, we go back to school, and it seems like half the population has a birthday this month. But we go through this every year so I just have to suck it up, right?

Today is the first day of my senior year at Aberdeen High School. I should feel different, it is supposed to be a big deal after all. But I find it difficult to bring myself to care. So I aged a bit over the summer, big deal. I'm the same person that walked out of the school gates two months ago.

After slamming my hand over the alarm clock, I sat up and listened. My house, as usual, is eerily quiet.

  Every morning my father goes to work early. He doesn't do it because we live far from where he works, he does it because he can't stand to look at me for longer than he absolutely needs to. This harsh routine stemmed from the death of my mother; I look too much like her for him to handle. But it's been two years and I'm used to being blatantly ignored by now.

As a counterbalance to the silence I listen to music over my guitar apmlifier. Today I chose a Dinosaur Jr album, for I suspect that the events to come call for melancholy melodies.

I spend little time looking for clothing, knowing that anything I choose will most likely compliment my usual bland aesthetic. As for my hair, let's just say I stopped trying with that years ago. I don't care too much about my appearance. School is just a get in, get out operation for me.

I leave the house in just enough time to make it when the bell rings. As a rule, I always arrive about 2 seconds before I can be considered late.

Walking in the mornings gives me time to clear my mind before school. I love listening to the birds wake-up and watching the sun fight the clouds for dominance of the sky.

About two blocks away from my dreaded destination, I turned the corner in a daze and walked straight into an incredibly tall man. I saw a flash of red cloth before I bumped into his chest and fell to the ground, groaning in pain. I'd hit my head on the cement.

The man bent down. "Hey, are you okay?" he said hurriedly. I opened my eyes and saw that this wasn't a man, but a kid, possibly around my age. He had dark hair down to his shoulders and tiny beard. His brown eyes were full of concern.

"Uhh, yeah," I said, rubbing the spot on my head where it hit the ground. "I'm so sorry." What kind of idiot am I to not look where I'm going?

"No, man, don't be sorry. I'm the idiot standing in your way waiting for my asshole of a friend." he chuckled. "You sure you're alright?"

I was seeing colorful spots in the sky. "Maybe not. It's okay, I'll see a nurse at school." I eyed his backpack. "Are you going there too?" I didn't need to say where, there's only one high school in the area and everyone attends it. The perks of inhabiting a far-flung town.

"Yeah. Hey, wait, don't I know you? We're in the same grade right? I think we had English together. Or was it Health? Maybe Math?" he started to talk rapidly and I laughed.

"Or maybe all three?" I said which caused him to laugh as well. "I'm Allison."

"Cool. I'm Chris." he said, nodding.

I saw a lanky figure approaching us from down the street. "Is that your friend by any chance?" I asked nodding to him.

Chris looked in the same direction as I and realization dawned on his face. "Yeah, finally!"

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