Chapter 21

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The next morning I awoke to sunlight streaming through my window. I smiled as I remembered what had happened last night. I rolled over to Kurt's side only to find that he wasn't there. I frowned. I was usually the one to wake up first.

I slowly made my way downstairs, taking my time to look at each of the photographs and artwork hanging on the wall. This is something Kurt and I had done when he moved in. We each took some of our favorite memories and displayed them where they would always be visible. This was was one of my favorite parts of the house.

Sitting at the bottom of the stairs was none other than Monti. Kurt the Cat Expert estimated that he was 3 months old. He's like our child now and everybody loves him.

"Morning." Kurt said as I walked into the kitchen. He was drinking strawberry flavored milk from a small carton.

"Oh there you are. I was beginning to think that was a one night stand." I smirked. "Where'd the milk come from?"

"I went to the liquor store earlier. My stomach is acting up again. I got you cancer sticks." He hands me a pack of Camel cigarettes. I had become something of a smoker. I thanked him.

I grabbed random ingredients from the refrigerator to put in an omelette. As I was chopping up the vegetables I picked out, Kurt came up behind me. His rough fingers trace my wrist. He pauses on a few old scars.

"You've been doing so well." He spoke quietly.

"You have too. No drugs in a while." I reply. "Well except for weed."

"Yeah." He moved away and sat down at the table, lost in his thoughts.

"What's on your mind?" I asked.

"John Lennon's penis." he said seriously. I laughed.

"Yeah, there's a thought provoker. Seriously what's up?"

"We've been doing really well for a while now. One of us is bound to fuck it up soon. I think it'll be me. What goes up must come down, right?" He said sadly.

"No, Kurt." I sat next to him at the table. "None of us will screw up. Think about how much better we've felt. Let that motivate you. There's no need to be so negative."

"Funny you should mention that, negativity. I wrote something on the way to the liquor store. Maybe possible lyrics or a poem. I'm not sure yet. It's about negativity. Among other things." He smirked. His tone totally changed.

He handed me a crumpled piece of paper. Sure enough, the phrase 'I'm a negative creep' jumped out on the paper multiple times. But one certain line had caught my eye especially.

"Daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more? Kurt, you don't mean..."

He laughed. "Yeah. That's about last night."

"Fucker." I chuckled. "Cmon, help me make the food."


"I know we sound like absolute pieces of shit but we beg of you, consider it?"

Kurt and Krist had Chad on the phone. They were attempting to convince him to come back to the band.

"You guys let me go. I don't understand."

"Chad, you're the best drummer we've had. We've tried out every drummer in this shithole and no one gets our music. We need you in time for our LP. Did we mention we're on the verge of being signed onto Sub Pop?" Kurt explained.

"Holy crap, really? Sub Pop?" Chad paused. "Well if you really want to.."

"Yes!" Krist yelled. It was settled. Chad was back with Nirvana.


When the boys met up Sub Pop, they insisted I go with them. They said I could have something to contribute since I had been managing their gigs. But when we got there, I was almost immediately fired from that position.

"Who is she?" a man asked.

"This is Allison. She's been in charge of our shows and expenses since we started. She knows us best." Kurt smiled.

"The man raised an eyebrow. "Do you have an education or real experience?" he questioned.

"No, but-"

"I'm sorry honey but we need experts to manage, especially with a new band. You can do something else. How do you feel about photography?"

Kurt furrowed his eyebrows but I was okay with my relocation. I actually was into film and photography as well. "Sounds good." I said with a smile.

"Now, I need to speak with the band. Alone. Goodbye." I frowned but left anyway.

This chapter was all over the place.

I'm sad.

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