Chapter 11

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These past two weeks have been the best in so long. Kurt and I have spent nearly every day together. We never officially announced anything - not even to ourselves - but people just caught on. Even my classmates have been asking about us.

I've also found out many more things about Kurt, the most surprising being that my initial perception of him being a goody two-shoes type was way off. In addition to cigarettes, he also smokes pot occasionally. He also cuts school, has a history of stealing and vandalism, and almost had sex with a special ed. girl.

He said that telling me this was necessary because he didn't want me being with someone who hid their mistakes and flaws and he didn't want to be that person. He said he didn't blame me if I would back away from him after hearing this. But all this had the opposite effect on me; I loved that he was honest. Honesty is the most important thing in any relationship to me and he proved that that matters to him too. It would take more than a faulty past to chase me away from Kurt Cobain.


The band - currently under another name change - has been rehearsing in my garage. I got to meet Krist's girlfriend Shelli. She's real good looking and her personality reminds me of Krist in a way - loud and shameless, yet nice. Being around another girl has surprisingly been somewhat of a relief. Ever since my mother died I haven't really had a girlfriend to talk to. Shelli has been treating me really well even though we only met recently. I'd say we're fast friends now.

Besides Shelli, another new friend was Chad Channing, the band's new drummer. Though we didn't become fast friends like with Shelli. In fact, we had a rough start thanks to Kurt.

During the first practice, I was introduced to Chad. He was short, had nice long hair, and was very polite and kinda shy. Towards the end of the practice, Shelli told me that Chad had been throwing me "heart eyes" the whole time. I didn't know what she was talking about. Kurt, on the other hand, had noticed and confronted Chad about it. I believe his exact words were "Quit fucking looking at my girlfriend, Chad." Chad was embarrassed but we assured him there were no hard feelings because he clearly didn't know. Kurt apologized later. Chad and I talked have from time to time since then.


One day Kurt and I were sitting on the floor of my bedroom aimlessly asking each other the most random questions we could think of. I had always found this little game a cool way to get to know someone really well without them knowing it. Only this time I let Kurt in on the secret so that he could get to know me too.

We went through every subject imaginable. From pets, to politics, to bodies, to food, to psychedelic feelings. We'd just started to ask more serious questions when a good one popped into my head.

"What is your number one goal in life?" I asked.

"I guess it'd have to be to experience total nirvana. I'd sure love to know what that feels like." he said.

"Me too. I think nirvana feels like listening to punk rock for hours in the rain and singing along to the songs and dancing around..." I trailed off as I grinned at my record collection.

Suddenly his head shot up and he looked at me with wide eyes. "That's it. Nirvana. The band should be called Nirvana!" Kurt yelled. He stood up and paced. "That description you gave sold it. That is what nirvana should be. That what nirvana will be. Because we will be Nirvana!"

I stood up too. "I think it's a great name Kurt."

Kurt wrapped his arms around my waist. "Thanks to you." he said before he kissed me. Maybe punk rock wasn't nirvana. Maybe this was.
I love it when you guys send me feedback, it makes me so happy! You don't know how much I needed to hear those things :)

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