Chapter 31

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A few days after Krist and Shelli came back from their honeymoon, I was out in my favorite place in this city; a garden in the back of the apartment complex. I was taking Monti out for a walk and smoking. Monti really did act like a dog, it was weird sometimes.

The garden was a hidden treasure. No one ever came out here in the month we'd been living here. Yet somehow, the place managed to stay green and fresh all the time. There were a few benches neatly placed in between rose bushes, tons of different kinds of plants and flowers, an a brick pathway that made you feel like you were in the Wizard of Oz.

I was sat on one of the benches admiring the beauty of it all when I sudden to receive a tap on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, is he yours?" He held Monti up in his hands. "I nearly sprayed him with bug repellent."

"Oh, yeah, he's mine. I'm sorry about that." I took Monti from his hands.

"That's okay." He eyed my face. "You're Cobain's girl, aren't you?"

"God, does everyone know who he is around here?"

"I just know him because I saw his picture on a magazine in the trash the other day." That was probably the copy I bought. I threw it out the same day I bought it.

"You don't think he's with Courtney Love?" I asked

"No. I've seen you two together. I live in the building too."

"Oh. In that case, yes I am Cobain's girl. My name's Allison."

"I'm Dez." Dez has tan skin, short dark curly hair, and was wearing eyeliner. He was wearing a plain white shirt with a striped sweater vest over it and purple pants - very 'hip' looking. (Literally Ricky Vasquez from 'My So-Called Life'. Look up a photo.)

"What are you doing out here all alone?" He asked.

"I just like coming out here. It's a nice place for thinking. What are you doing here?"

"I make a little extra money cleaning the place up. It's not exactly high maintenance but they don't have to know that." He winked.

"You've done a fantastic job."

"Thanks." He smiled. "It's hot as hell, though. California sucks sometimes."

"No kidding. I'm from Washington, this is my equivalent of actual hell heat." I laughed. "Do you wanna come up for iced tea?" Iced tea has become my favorite drink in this blistering heat.

"You do know I'm gay right?"

"Uh, I have a boyfriend." I raised my eyebrows.

"Touché." He laughed. "I could go for some iced tea."

I showed him up to the apartment and made us some iced tea. I only met him a few minutes ago but something about him was gave off very trustworthy and friendly vibes.

Dez told me about himself. He just graduated high school this month and is living alone up here. He's trying to get into the film industry but his parents weren't supportive of him so he moved out as fast as he possibly could. Now, he's in a few commercials and dreams of getting into movies.

In turn, I told him about myself and why I moved out here. I also told him about my love for film - behind the scenes that is.

"Wow, we'd make a cool team. You filming and editing, me acting and making audiences across America laugh and cry." he said. That didn't sound like a bad idea.

A few hours later, Kurt came back from band practice at an abandoned studio the guys found 20 minutes from here. He stared at Dez as he walked in.

"Hey Ally. Hey... guy." He walked over to us and kissed my forehead. I laughed. I knew he did that to make a point of our relationship. I wasn't the only jealous one.

"Kurt, this is Dez. Don't worry, he's gay." Dez chuckled.

"I also am not a fan of your music so I won't scream every time you walk into a room. Well anyways, see you later Allison. Nice meeting you Kurt." He showed himself out the door.

"Well that was interesting." Kurt said.

"I met him in the garden this morning. He's a cool kid. And I say kid because he's two years younger than me."

"Good for you for making friends."


Chad is on the verge of being fired once more. He's beginning to show the same problems as last year. His drumming isn't loud or hard enough for Kurt's screaming and at times is off-beat.

One day he was 1 1/2 hours late to their band practice because he was out with a girl.

"You can't keep doing this, Chad." Krist warned him. "Don't you know how important this is to us?"

"Yeah but Nirvana isn't my whole life." He defended.

"Well it is mine. I'm sorry but if you aren't professional about this we'll have to get someone else." said Kurt.

Chad didn't seem very fazed. "Go ahead. I don't want to be bossed around anymore." He walked out of the studio. The rest of us looked at one another, each astonished. What now?

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