Chapter 10

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"No way! Do you know what this means?!" Krist just about flipped out when I told him about my little revelation.

"No, I don't know what this means. That's why I'm telling you." I have never been through a thing like this.

"Dude you have to tell him."

"I can't! I wish I could but I can't."

"What are you talking about?" Krist asked, confused.

I sigh. "I'm, like, scarred for life man. I've lost everyone I've ever loved in the past. This could go one of two ways: he likes me back, we date, he finds me too boring, he dumps me - or he doesn't like me back, things are too awkward and we stop being friends."

"Or, he likes you back and you guys are fine for life, what about that? I don't know how he feels about you because he doesn't tell me those things but as a friend of Kurt for years I can give you my word he won't hurt you. He's not that kind of guy."

I'm in my room attempting to recreate the sounds of J Mascis on my guitar when something small hits window. Startled, I look over edge and see a skinny blond figure jumping up and down on the lawn. I let out loud laugh. It's Kurt!

I run downstairs and open the front door. There, waiting, is Kurt soaked from the rain. He's grinning wildly. I've never seen him like this before.

"Guess who's got himself a fucking band!" Kurt exclaims while making the rock sign with his hand.

"Holy shit that's great!" I half-yell. He pulls me into his arms and hugs me tightly. We hold each other until Kurt remembers that he is soaking wet. "Oops." he says. He detaches himself from me and examines my now-soaked front.

"It's fine. Do you want me to get you some dry clothes?" I ask.

"Yeah if you don't mind." he says standing awkwardly at my front door.

"Come with me." I turn to lead him to my room. Half way up the stairs, my hand finds his. Without thinking, we intertwine our hands. My heart is pounding so hard I'm sure he can hear it.

I dig through my closet to find something for Kurt to wear while I dry his clothes, which isn't very hard considering my wardrobe consists if a lot of unisex stuff. I hand him a Scratch Acid t-shirt and sweatpants. He changes while I put his clothes in the dryer. When I come back into my room Kurt is sitting on my bed with my guitar playing something that sounds like Mudhoney.

"Sorry for coming over so unexpectedly but as soon as everything was finalized I had to come and tell you first." he explained. That made me feel special.

"So who's in the band?" I ask while moving over to sit across from him.

"I'm playing guitar and singing. Krist is playing bass. And this friend of mine, Chad, is playing drums. We're called Skid Row for now. It's only temporary. I have tons of ideas for names, like Fecal Matter or Godchild or even The Reaganites"

Kurt's eyes are twinkling. I love seeing him this happy. He looks up at me and smiles. "What?"

"You're so cute." I tell him.

He sets the guitar aside and scoots closer. "And you're beautiful." he says while looking he in the eye, a small smile on his lips. Our heads inch closer together. When we're a centimeter apart Kurt says very quietly, "Ally, I really like you." My heart burst.

"I really like you too." I say and close the distance between us.

The kiss is amazing. His lips are sweet and soft. His hand is on my cheek. It's like the perfect moment. When we pull away, he gave me a crooked smile.

"Okay," Kurt said, "Best fucking night ever."

I grin back. He may be right.

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