Chapter 19

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Kurt and I promised each other that we would get better. For each other. Especially now that things are changing for us.

I've finally graduated, along with Krist and Shelli. The whole ceremony was a bore fest. Several staff members and students made their speeches, got emotional, earned applause - you know, the works. I could see Kurt in the audience. His honey colored hair glistened in the sun. That might have been because it was so dirty, but still it was pretty. I tried hard to pay attention to the speeches but every now and now and then I would look at Kurt, catch him staring, get flustered, and think of him instead.

When we finally received our diplomas, I ran to Krist and Shelli and was admitted into their hug. Kurt happened to perfectly photograph that embrace. I've got that photo framed in my bedroom.

The day afterward, we all met up at Krist's house. He and Kurt announced that they would be sending demo tapes to a few record companies and see if they could strike a deal. The news was not surprising. I figured that this would happen eventually. After all, Kurt did say he had a master plan for his life. If his master plan was to become a rockstar, then I fully freaking support it.

We went out to celebrate at a small diner on the edge of town. This was the 'show off diner', the one visitors first see when they arrive in Aberdeen. It has the best food in town so of course this was our first choice.

We sat in a booth next to the window, the rare sunshine pouring through the glass and illuminating our exited faces. Kurt had on the biggest smile I had seen in a long time. He had something to work and strive for now.

I decided that this moment was too perfect to not document it. I asked a waitress to take a picture of us. That photograph is also framed in my room, on my nightstand. It's the brightest and happiest photo in my possession.


The hunt for record companies was not difficult. What was difficult was getting a damned response from them.

"Sure, they get tons of demos. Sure, there are lots of aspirating bands out there. But do they not understand that some of us have a dream?!" Kurt complained one day.

Capitol, Parlophone, EMI, Apple, RCA. Some of the few record companies we reached. Some we far fetched. Like, Apple? That was Krist's idea. Shelli suggested to start big then work your way down. I guessed that was a good strategy for making it big.

When the replies did start coming in, all were no's. To me, as some kind of pseudo-manager, the rejections were disheartening. But the boys were in good spirits. They kept saying that they knew they were good enough and it was the company's fault for turning them down.

Then one glorious day, a letter came from Sub-Pop. Shelli sighed as she opened it. I watched her eyes scan the paper. They widened as she reached the bottom.

"Holy shit." was all she said. We gathered around her to find that Sup-Pop had loved Nirvana.

"Sub-Pop! They produce for Mudhoney, you know. Fucking Mudhoney!" I exclaimed.

"We love the raw energy expressed in Fecal Matter. This is what we look for in musicians and that element is clearly there." Kurt read aloud. "We would love to meet you and talk about possible options if you decide to join us. We hope to be working with you soon." he finished with a grin. "Well guys, what do we say?"

Krist jumped up. "Hell fucking yes! They're the only ones to accept us. Imagine us being the next Mudhoney. Plus, they were totally flirting with us. So kind." he smirked.

"It's settled," Kurt chuckled, "Sup-Pop it is!" Cheers filled the room. Yet another celebration was held, this time with even better reason.

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