Chapter 25

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The next morning I awoke to an empty bed. Kurt wasn't even in the room. Memory of the night before flooded to my mind and I became upset all over again. I decided to get up and outta here.

I went to Krist and Shelli's room to ask if they had seen Kurt. I knocked in their door and heard a faint "it's open" come from inside. I walked into the room to find them snuggled up in their bed.

"What're you doing up so early?" Kirst said as he rubbed his eyes. My eyes flashes to the clock. Was it really only 7:00?

"I came to look for Kurt. Have you seen him by any chance?"

Shelli sat up, making her boobs visible through the sheet. "No we haven't seen him? Is everything okay with you too?"

"I think so. He was just really drunk and he went out and I haven't seen him since." I don't want to tell them about the fight. "He might just be with Chad or something. I can handle it. Thanks anyway." I started to walk out but paused at the door to add something. "By the way Shelli, nice tits." Her eyes widened and she covered up quickly. Krist was laughing loudly as I closed the door.

I made my way down the hall to Chad's room, but stopped when I noticed a lump wrapped in a familiar old cardigan. As I approached it, I saw that it wasn't a lump but it was Kurt sound asleep. I bent down and shook him awake.

"Kurt, hey wake up." I coaxed. His eyelids struggled to open. When they did, they were unfocused.

"Allison?" he asked slowly. Then he suddenly sat up quickly and hugged me tightly. "I'm so sorry about last night. I'm such a jerk. I'm surprised you're even here."

"Of course I'm here. I was worried about you when you didn't come back. Why are you sleeping out here?"

"I came back real late and knocked on the door but you didn't answer. I figured you were too angry with me so I slept out here. "

"You knocked on this door? This door isn't mine, mine is up the hall. I don't think anyone is in here."

He smacked his forehead this the palm of his hand. "Oh my god I am such an idiot."

"And anyway, I was more upset than angry. But it's okay, you were drunk, you weren't being yourself."

"Even so, that's no excuse treat anyone that way. I'll make it up to you. For now, I'll give you a freebee." He turned to face me directly. "Slap me as hard as you can."

I was distracted by his eyes. They're so magnetic, even when doesn't mean them to be. "What?"

"Slap me across the face as hard as you can." he said seriously.

"No! What the fuck?" I exclaimed.

"I deserve it." he grabbed my hand and played it on his cheek. I rubbed his cheek with my thumb. He closed his eyes.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Kurt. But I know how you can make it up to me."

He opened his eyes and stared at me. "How?" he asked.

"Get help."

He furrowed how eyebrows. "That's going to make it up to you?"

"If you get better you can't hurt anyone, not even you. Of course it'll make me happier, but it'll make you happy as well. You'll see. Please?"

He signed. "Seems like a waste of time." I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off. "But I'll do it. You're right, if I stop with this I can't hurt anyone."

I hugged him tightly. "Thank you."


As soon as we returned to Washington, we were greeted by fans of Nirvana at the airport. Well they weren't actually waiting for them, but they happened to be there and freaked out when they saw the boys. After all that craziness Kurt was growing to love more and more, we drove an hour back to Aberdeen. The next day, Kurt checked himself into a rehabilitation facility not far from here.

First he had to go get asserted by the doctors. They questioned, examined, and bored the crap out of him, as he put it. They said treatment could last a while but they estimated Kurt would be out in two months, just before Valentine's Day.

"Am I allowed to get out? I want to spend Christmas and New Years with my family." said Kurt.

"We allow only one outing every two months." a man said sternly.

"You mean I'm going to spend the holidays in a vicinity full of addicts?" he questioned angrily.

"Can he be allowed more outings for good behavior? Like in jail?" I asked.

"Miss Evans, this isn't a jail-"

"Sure feels like it."Kurt mumbled under his breath.

"But we do give more privileges if the patient is excepting treatment well."

I turned to Kurt. "Hear that? Just be good and they'll let you out more."

Kurt rolled his eyes. "I'm not four, I know what he said."

The man cleared his throat. "If those are all the questions, we would like to take Mr. Cobain into the facility."

I nodded. We got up and were greeted by a nurse at the door. She had dark skin and was plump, with wild purple eyeshadow. She seemed nice, yet Kurt had fear in his eyes.

"I'll be showing you in, honey." She held out her hand for Kurt to take it but he turned to me instead.

"I'll miss you." he said quietly. That was right around when my heart broke.

I pulled him in for a tight hug. "I'll miss you too, so much." I whispered. He pulled away, have me one last look, and took the nurse's hand. I looked out the door to see Kurt's thin figure willingly trudging next to the big nurse, away from me.

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