Chapter 2: Carnage

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The sound of sirens woke me up. I glanced over at the empty side of the bed, feeling lost. I always sleep alone. I always live alone. The deathly echoes of silence make me realise how utterly lost I am spiraling down the lifeline, not knowing where I'm going.

I sigh and stand up from the bed, slowly dragging my feet to the bathroom. Once there, I start my daily routine and finish in a record time of six minutes. I smile at my own achievement and then I remember there is no one I can share it with. My life sucks!

Just before I can start wailing in my sorrow, I get a call from the chief that there has been a major crime. I take my gun and my badge from the counter, rushing off to the crime scene but not before I take one quick look at myself in the mirror. »Damn you look handsome today!« Oh well, what can I say. I'm one sexy devil…


Once at the crime scene, I take a look around. There's a lot of carnage and not a lot to go on. Police officer walks up to me, giving me a quick once over, informing me of the situation. »Uhm, sir? I don't know how to tell you this but this is the Singer territory. They own everything from the river bank to that graveyard over there and if they find out someone got shot on their grounds, they're going to get really pissed.«

I smirk a little, »How pissed?«

The officer just stares at me in disbelief, then he shakes his head and points to a person, sitting on the pavement. »Anyway, this kid's a witness, better go talk to him, chief!«

Did that son of a gun just mock me? I will not stand for his behaviour. One day, when he's not looking at his back, I'm going to….What was I saying? Khm. Well, better go talk to the kid.

I walk up to the person, wrapped in one of the blankets from an ambulance truck. When I pat them on the shoulder, they look up with fear in their eyes. I quickly realise it's a teenager, probably scared out of his mind. I smile at him in reasurance. »Hey kid, how's it hanging?« Really, how's it hanging? Can you be any more lame?! Now the kid's going to think you're retarded. God, why do I even bother what he thinks of me?

But I did. I don't know what was it about him, I think it was his eyes. His piercing blue eyes full of anger and dissapointment. »Andy.« He whispers shily. Damn, even his voice sounds hot. What is wrong with me today? I'm not gay, I even sleep with my boss from time to time. And she is definitely no man. No sir!

»Well, Andy, why don't you tell me what happened. And try to remember as much as you can.« He nodded and slowly started to open his mouth, when his whole facade fell appart. He started shaking and sobbing and the tears just wouldn't stop running from his beautiful, blue eyes. I didn't know what to do! I looked around and saw that there was nobody looking at our direction. I slid a little closer to him and put my hand on his muscular back. I felt a little spark, which was probably just electricity from the blanket…I hope so. Then, suddenly, the kid jumped in my arms, grabbing at me like his life depended on it. He apologised over and over, not really hearing what he was saying.

Like a good little boy, I just sat there, patting his back and comforting him, still with no clue to what happened. Then, as quickly as he jumped into my arms, he slid out of them, rubbing his eyes. »Sorry, I don't know what got over me, it's not like I'm a little faggot or anything.« Oh but how I wish you were. Wait, what?! Did I just think that? I must be really sleep deprived because I would never sleep with a guy. Even with one this good looking. Stop it Mike, he's obviously straight and so are you, just snap out of it. I gave him a small nod, letting him know, I understood. »So, what happened?«

His bottom lip shivered a little, making him look younger than he was. His gaze caught my eyes, he was staring at the covered body. Then, his eyes filled with sadness. He had to shut them, probably not wanting the image to stay in his head. »That's Annie, my sister.«

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