Chapter 6: Here Comes the Devil

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»Angie! So nice of you to come,« I smiled at my little sister. She looked at me with her ocean blue eyes, piercing through my soul. »Hello, Michael.« She turned her head around, »So, where is this kid I keep hearing about?«

I blushed a little. »He's over there, at my desk, I just left him with some papers confirming his involvement with the department.« She tilted her head slightly, examining the boy. »He seems pleasant to the eye. I guess he'll do.«

I chuckled at myself, as she started walking towards Adam. Oh, how hard she tries to act as an adult but she'll always be my little Angie.

She elongated her arm, motioning for the boy to take it. »My name is Angelique. Outside of a hearing shot you may call me Ms. Evans, while on duty, you shall only call me by my first name. I request immediately that you do not partake in any kind of nickname callings or gifts. The only gifts that are allowed are the ones handed to me in front of your family or at a gathering. You are requested to be present at any of my cheerleading practices and/or games, at which you shall cheer for me. If there is a football game, I shall cheer you on but never forget, it is only in the spirit of good business. Do I make myself clear?«

Poor boy, my sister's being kind of a bitch.

»Yes,« the boy said sheepishly. I felt for him, I really did and as a slow blush began forming on his cheeks, his eyes wandered over, looking directly at me. I smiled at him, wanting, to make him feel safer but all I did was bring more blush unto his face. He hid his visage, my sister's back blocking my view.

As on a command, she turned around, her long, chestnut hair flipping through the air, forging a soft, painful whistle. »Do not dare to sleep with him, brother,« She said, her eyes piercing through my skull. »I know your every dumb little move and if you extend your courtesy or your charm towards him, I will break your legs and then throw you to the dogs. Do I make myself clear?«

I gulped, being slightly scared of her. »Yes, Angie.« She smirked at me, knowing full well, that she had scared me half to death. »Good…« She uttered softly, kissed me on the cheek and left the office.


Her departure made it easier for me to regain control over myself. »How do you feel?« I looked over at the boy, who was staring at me, worry written all over his face.

»Don't you worry about me, she's always been a bitch. It's in her blood, our family has always had members, lining up, to serve and obey the law.« He watched me, deeply thinking about something. »But not you, right? You didn't choose this life.«

I sighed, this kid could read me like a book. »No, I didn't choose this life. If I may be a little cheesy, this life chose me.« The kid laughed, holding his stomach, trying not to roll over his chair.

Well, at least one of us was feeling pleased with the outcome of this day. Me, I was scared shitless. Scared of the future, scared for me, scared for this boy and most of all, scared of what my sister might do to him.

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