Chapter 8: Leave or Die

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»Get the fuck outta my bed!« I screamed at them. They had no business staying in my bed after that. »How many times do I have to say it! I'm a fucker, not a cuddler.« Fuck, some people really don't understand the human language. I mean, so what if I'm a little rough? Somebody has to be. How would people know who the do-gooders are if there weren't assholes like me born to the face of the Earth.

The person moved with a loud growl, picking up his clothes, lying over the floor, and left me alone to dwell on my thoughts.

Slowly, I walked into the shower, thinking about the case my team busted a few weeks ago. Closing my eyes, I imagined that poor, defensless kid with his big, piercing blue eyes…Suddenly my eyelids fluttered open. Why the fuck was I thinking about the kid? And in the shower, none the less?! I mean, I admit, he was good looking but still, there's some lines a police officer can not cross. I have a good job, a steady income, an occasional fuck and a rockin' appartment. Why in the world would I then think about a fucked up kid from a family of psychopaths? Do I have feelings for him? Am I crushing for a little boy? Oh man, am I a pedofhile?

I am twenty-five years old and he is nineteen and still in school. Fuck, now I can't even finish washing myself. »Get out of my head you little twat!« Unintentionally, I screamed the last part out loud, making the neighbour's cat run back to her owner's balcony.

A sudden buzz made me look at my phone. That's odd, the kid is calling me, I wonder what it is.

ADAM S.: »Mike! Urgh… Please, help. Me!....THUD! AaargHhh!... CLICK!«

The call was abruptly finished but I was already out of the apartment, running to aid Adam in his distressed state.


The knocking continued, turning into poundind. »Yeah, yeah!« I screamed. »I'm coming…«

I walked over to my door, looking through the peephole. God! It was my annoying neighbour, Robert. »Hey Rob! What's up? You need some sugar again?«

The nerve of the guy! He always came by unannounced, looking for sugar, when what he was really after was a chance to look around my apartment, seeing if I had an underage boy over. Pervert!

 I sighed and unlocked the door, Robert falling over, almost making my knees wobble under his weight. »What the hell, Robert?!« I yelled in distress. Then I saw the blood on the back of his head, where he apparently suffered a major blow. Who would want to do that and why?


My question was answered even before I had time to think. A large figure threw a gigantic shadow over my frail little body. I swallowed, slowly moving my eyes over the enourmous matter that was a human. Barely. My stare stopped once it reached the person's face. I don't know why but he looked kind of familiar. »Hello Adam.« Oh shit, he was one of my dad's bodyguards. But why would he kill Roger? That made no sense.

»Uhm. Hi, Yuri… Whatcha doin?« The Russian moved his practically blind eyes, trying to exactly pinpoint my location. I was so happy he was as good as blind, that means he couldn't see me. At least not completely.

»Your father lets me go. I asks boss vhy and he say he must let Yuri go because Yuri no good at his job. Yuri angry vith boss, so he make boss pay.« He gabbled in broken English. Oh fuck, I'm a dead man!


I jumped to the side, trying to buy me some time before the giant could off me. Progressing over the panel floor, I hid behind the counter, dialing the first number that came to mind. Oddly, it was Mike's. »Ring, ring. Ring, god damn it!« I sternly whispered to the phone over and over again until the guy in question finally picked up his phone. »Hello, Adam?« Oh, thank Heavens, he picked up! »Mike!« then Yuri yelled incoherently, trying to find me. »Urgh…«

I felt the panic seeping in through my skin and into my veins, I didn't know how much time I had left. »Please, help,« I choked back a sob. »Me!«

Yuri was getting impatient, looking all over for his victim, who was nowhere to be found. His dissaproval was showing on his thickly veined neck. »AaargHhh!...« His screech was echoing through my apartment, probably alarming my neighbours. But then again, whenever I had someone over, I liked playing rough. Damn my sadistic needs! They probably won't even notice that I'm dead until my rotting corpse will start to ruin their Sunday brunches.

I leaned over the counter, searching for Yuri, who was nowhere in sight. Then, a firm grip on my shoulders indicated that a large person was holding me. He giggled at his victory, really Yuri, giggling?; then he let his price go, throwing me over the room. I landed on the ground with a loud thud, my phone breaking in the process.

Footsteps of the incoming Russian sounded in my head. This is it? I'm going to die and I never even fell in love. I was never in real, true, complete love. Sure, I've had my heart broken but the pain can never compare to the pleasure. I had so much more to offer and now, it's all going away in a flash because my father had to fire the maniac.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the end, which never came. Before long I slowly opened my eyes, gazing at Yuri. He was shocked, traumatised even, holding his chest. I glared at him and saw the smoke coming from between his fingers. His eyes rolled in their sockets, while his body fell to the floor with a loud THUD!

»Huh!« Came from the doorstep, making my train of thoughts to break it's dance. I looked over, seeing Mike, standing there with the gun still in his hands. I inched closer, trying to pry it off from his fingers. Then his hand grabbed mine, making me jerk my look from the gun to his eyes. He stared at me for a long moment, then, he swiftly leaned in, plastering his lips over mine. I left out a soft moan, not even trying to contain myself.

Just as I was about to kiss him back, he jumped back with fear in his eyes. He shook his head viciously, turned around and ran off, God knows where, leaving me speechless and motionless, standing in the middle of a chaotic debris. I hated his ass so much right now! »Thanks dick!«I yelled, hoping he wouldn't hear me. Who am I kidding, I love the jerk.


Waah! Wasup peeps? So, what did you think of this chapter? Too boring? Too fast? Too slow? Comment right below, so I can know. And what do you guys think is gonna happen next?! Is there going to be some hot action in the next chaptaah??!!! Will Mike admit his feelings, should Angelique get involved or even jelly? Is there gonna be any action for our sweet Addy?...So many questions,...comment away, peeps. Love to hear what you have to say! :) Ta ta! <3

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