Chapter 9: Black Out

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I looked up, seeing these young, inexperienced girls who tried so much to be like their leader – me. Being the head cheerleader had it's perks but it also had it's ebbs. For instance, I was back in High School, place I swore never to come back to. The memories were just too hard.

A light buzzing sound made me lose my train of thoughts. Looking at the screen, I saw it was Adam. Why would he be calling me? »Hello?« I answered cautiously.

»Can. Can we talk, Angie?!« His voice sounded strung up and he knew how I felt about the Angie thing. Maybe something really was wrong. »Sure, Adam. What's up?« I heard him gasp for air, trying to form a coherent sentence. »I – I just. Mike killed somebody! In front of me and then I tried prying the gun out of his hands but he pulled back and then he just threw himself at me! Then, when I wanted to kiss him back, he drew away, looking startled and then he just ran off, leaving me with a giant dead body and a fucking dried up puddle of blood that is going to stain my hardwood floor for ever!« Whoa! Drama Queen much?! I get it that he was a flamboyant little thing but no grown ass man should have a tantrum of that magnitude.

»Angie, you still there?« I cleared my throat. »Yeah, Adam, I'm still here. Listen, why don't you just sit tight, and I'll come over and help you clean up, okay?« I waited a few seconds without getting a response. »Adam? You know I can't tell if you're cool with this if you nod, right?«

He cleared his throat, mumbling an apology and then hung up. Great, not only do I have little whiny bastards following me around school, stalking me, immitating me, trying to get locks of my hair – oh yeah, that happened, sister. Now, I also have to take care of an annoying fragile little baby at his house. Why couldn't Michael just keep his dick in his pants, where it belongs? God, the nerve of him, going after a C.I. He's going to get into so much trouble for this.

An evil plan formed in my mind. I grinned widely, making sure that everyone could see Angelique »Evans« had a plan. And she was about to make good on it.


After a couple of hours of cleaning and waxing the floor, blood finally went away, leaving behind but a memory. I smiled lightly, at least I got around to cleaning it.

Angelique was sitting on a bar stool at the counter, looking at me with a twinkle in her eyes. »Hey Angie?« She smiled, motioning for me to converse. »Thanks. You know, for coming over and listening to me yap about Mike all day. I owe ya.« I saw her lips pull up, showing her gorgeous teeth. »Nonsense, Addy. He's my brother, of course I'll trash about him behind his back.« I looked at her with a little bit of shock. »You called me Addy!«

She stiffened on her chair, probably realising it slipped out. »No I didn't.« Sure she did but let her have her benefit of the doubt. »Yeah, maybe you're right. I probably just heard it wrong.« She stood up, nodding in agreement and trailed behind me, while I went to the front door, opening it wide for her. »Well, thanks again. And really, if you ever need anything, just ask.« She turned on her heels quite fast. Damn, did I have to say that?

»Well, there is this one thing you can do for me!«


*later that night at their High School party*

Why did I ever agree to her dragging me to a stupid High School party? It was just a bunch of drunken teenagers, trying to hump each other in any possible way. »Fucking breeders.« I muttered under my breath while chugging down another beer.

Glancing around, I saw the same cliques that have formed in this school long ago. They've already been formed when the little men and women came out of their mommies' wombs. In the far left corner of the room quietly stood three nerds, trying to get a good look at Amanda Hines' jugs. I wonder what the appeal is. I mean, it's just two meat ballons, hanging there, not doing anything, anything at all.

A tall jock was trying to deliver a speech to his little »Fan club« consisting of once sweet and now brainwashed-platinum-blond-push-up-boob clones. You guessed it, cheerleaders. They squealed and giggled and awed at his performance abilities, while he kept on talking, not really registering what he was saying. »So yeah, like, life is like so very complicated. Don't try to like find answers and shit, 'cuz when you find answers, life changes the Question.«

His little Fan club awed and dreaded at his tall figure. »What question are you talking about?« The jock looked at me, stupified. »Well, you know, Singer, the Question.« I grinned. »No, I don't know. Why don't you explain it to me, Peterson?« He looked at me, alcohol clearly taken over his mind. »Why don't you make me, Singer?!«

I started backing up. »You know, I'd love to but that would make my girlfriend so angry. You know why? Of course you don't, you over grown monkey. She'd be super mad because she'd have to wash your blood off my clothes.« The ape-man growled at me. »I know! I don't know what her problem is, the woman is supposed to wash a man's clothes, it's like one of the rules in the Bible, right big guy?« I patted him on the back, trying not to laugh my ass off at the open mouth's and wide eyes I was receiving.

Everyone was staring at me. Everyone except for Angelique. She was scowling and she was mad as fuck. »You. Me. Upstairs. Now!«

Damn, she could kill somebody. *gulp* She probably was going to kill somebody. Me!


I walked behind Angelique, trying not to show my cowardice. »Oh, will you relax?! You're making me nervous.« I frowned at her. »So wait, that was all an act?« She beamed at me, turning a knob on some door, leading us inside. »Of course, I could see you were bored out of your mind… Not your kind of people?« I laughed sourly. »How'd ya guess?« She looked at her feet. »I can relate.« I nodded, acknowledging her ache, whilst sitting on the bed. »Why won't the room stop spinning?«

I could swear I heard a light clink coming from wherever she was standing. »Uhm, Angie, did you just lock us in?« She didn't reply, then I heard a light thud and then another and another. My eyes opened in horror, realising, she must've been taking off her clothes. This can't happen to me, not again! »It's all a dream Addy, it's just a dream. You're about to wake up and laugh at your sorry ass for drinking too much…It's only a dream!«

I felt her soft lips brush against my ear, her hot breath making me stir. A small flick of a tongue suggested that she was trying to turn me on and I had no idea why the ear licking would do the trick. It was just gross. Actually no, it was downright disgusting. I mean, God knows where her tongue has been! She could have been making out with the whole football team downstairs, and I wouldn't know because I didn't care. I tried to peel her off of me, with no luck. She was clinging tight, digging her heels in my lower back. Damn, stilettos can be a bitch!

Then, she stopped. I froze, terrified of moving a muscle, until she spoke. »I'm gonna rock your world, babe.«

And then…I blacked out.


Wasup peeps?! What'd ya think? Awesome? Predictable? Snoozr-ville?...Should I include more of Angelique or do we likey more Mikey-Addy action *wink wink*. :P

But seriously, all questions aside, what are your thought on my work? Comment away, peeps! Love to hear what you have to say!

Ta ta! <3

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