Chapter 5: Broken and Left for Dead

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I was grinning at myself. Michael feels horrible and it's all thanks to dumping me. I turned to the officer, frowning. »I still haven't gotten your name, sir.«

The man chuckled. »It's Mike. Just Mike.« Wow. Was that a coincidence? His name can't really be Mike can it? I mean, I kinda like him and I can't get my heart broken by another Michael, not again.

Without realising it, the car hauled to a stop. »We're here,« said Michael. He stepped out of the vehicle, motioning for me to do the same. I cracked the door open, smelling the night breeze. God, it was such a nice night! Then, I remember Annie and my life turned blue again.

I followed the officer into the station, sitting behind his desk. »So, I'm gonna have to record you, which will lead to your father finding out about this little incident.« I must've looked scared because he made a grimace and continued talking. »or...«

I sat up. »Yes?« The officer continued. »Or you can help the department with a little favour. You see, Tony Singer has outed almost every one of our men and we have no one left inside of his organisation that could help us bring him down. You, on the other hand, would be perfect. He would never suspect of you to betray him, let alone lead him to jail.«

I glared at the top of his desk for a bit. »So, you want me to spy on my own father, whom I haven't seen for for three years?«

»Yes, basically,« The man replied. »You know that he will suspect something.«

Officer Mike grinned. »So you'll do it!« I nodded. »But what makes you so sure he won't find out?«

»Because we have the perfect cover for you,« He replied. »My sister, Angelique, just turned nineteen. She enroled into the Police Academy four months ago and completed her training in a record time. Her first mission could be an assigment at your High School or she could be sent to Alaska, to break up a drug cartel. Now you tell me, which one is safer?«

I shook my head, this was all going too fast. »What would she be doing in my High School?« The officer shuffled some papers around, until he found an envelope. He handed it to me, motioning me to open it. »Her full name would be Angelique Evans, a transfer from Ohio High, where she used to be a head cheerleader. Since you are a jock, there would be no wonder to her dating you. You will use her as a messenger, telling the department of what is going on. She would escort you to dinner gatherings at your father's property and you would take her out to lavish parties. The only thing you will never mention is her link to the department. Do we have a deal?«

The information was floating through my brain. Me, dating a girl, pretending to be normal? If Annie were alive, then all of this would've never happened. »Sure…We have a deal,« I whispered.

»Excelent,« The officer yelled. »Let me go get some documents.«

As he left me behind his desk, I wondered. Were those signs he was letting slip just empty words and motions? Maybe he really was going to break my heart, just like Michael.

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