Chapter 16: Realisation

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It had been a couple of hours since we got up. Adam was in the kitchen, making breakfast and I just sat there, on the bed, thinking about our future. I loved him very much and I wanted him to know that, without sounding too sappy. I wish feelings were less complicated - if you love someone, you tell them without being afraid of rejection.

I heard Adam barking at someone on the phone. He was probably talking to his father about the man they were supposed to kill. Why am I letting him do this? Why am I letting him throw his future away for a lowlife? Why do I have to love him so freaking much that I don't care what he does, as long as he comes home to me?

Adam shut the phone forcefully, slamming his fist through the wall. »Fuck!« I walked slowly towards him, trying not to make him flinch. »What's wrong, Adam?« He looked at me, anger and hurt flowing through his eyes. »I know who killed Annie.«


»Who was it?« I asked him quietly, sitting him down on the bed. He seemed hurt, like he knew the killer personally. »His name is Jack O'Toole and he's a drug dealer. Annie used to get her stash from him. Sometimes she wouldn't pay him on time and he would beat her up.« He sobbed. »This is all my fault. I – I paid him a visit a couple of months ago, telling him to back off my sister or I'd kill him. I guess this was his answer…« Holy shit! What do I do now? I can't let him just kill the man and I can't convince him to give him up to the police. »Talk to him.« He frowned up at me. »What?!« I smiled encouraging. »Talk to him, ask him why he did it. Maybe the reason will give you some peace and there will be a lot less bloodshed that way.« I watched the realisation dawn on him as he slowly stood up. »Maybe you're right. Maybe I just need to talk to him, it probably even wasn't him that killed her.« I shrugged, he was in denial, not letting the true message of my speech sink in. »Sure, go, talk to him.« I said, kissing him on the forehead and letting him walk out of the apartment.


I walked out of the apartment, heading to Jack's house. Mike's speech kept repeating in my head. Talk to him, ask him why he did it. Maybe the reason will give you some peace and there will be a lot less bloodshed that way. I didn't want to talk to him, I wanted to hurt him. My blood boiled with anger and lust of the upcoming fight. I could gut him and then leave him in The Meat House, waiting to be slaughtered and turned into hamburger meat or better yet, shoot him right where he shot Annie, so he'd feel the fear she felt when she was lying there, helpless.

Without realising it, I came to Jack's little suburban house, surrounded by palm trees and little white flowers. It all looked too clean, too much like – »Daddy, daddy! There's a creepy man standing at the back door, staring in!« Fuck my life. Jack has a family.

A tall, slender man in his thirties came walking out. His scrawny beard made him seem younger, which for some reason suited his 'suburban daddy look'. »Hey, Jack.« I said, blinking at the sun. He turned back to his daughter, ordering her to go back inside.

He rotated back, giving me a once-over. »What in the bloody hell are ya doin' here, Addy boy?« He asked me, his thick Irish accent giving my name a funny twist. »I heard you killed my sister.« I said, deciding to go with the truth. He scratched his chin, thinking for a bit. »The junkie? I never touched her-« I looked at him furiously. »Don't lie to me, Jack. We're too good of friends for you to lie to me.« He smiled innocently. »I beat her up a couple of times, I admit that but you know she deserved it, she owed me a lot of money, Addy.« He stopped to take a small breath. »I was actually intending to go to her place to collect my money, when I heard about her death. Do you think I'd kill her when she owed me half a mil' worth of product? That ain't good business, Addy boy. That would be just stupid and you know it.«

In a twisted way, he made perfect sence. I just couldn't think of anyone else that wanted her dead. I nodded, saying my goodbyes and was about to leave, when Jack stopped me. »Listen 'ere boy, don't go runnin' around town, looking for the killer or he might just find you. You know I love ya and it'd break my heart to see ya die like that.« I patted him on the back. »Don't worry about me, Jack. Focus on your family and the ones that love you.« He laughed. »Yeah, yeah. Just watch your back, Addy boy!«

I laughed and waved at him before he disappeared inside his little house. I started walking towards the docks. If he wasn't the one that killed Annie, then who was?


I turned around the block, feeling like there was someone following me. I kept turning around, sensing a pair of eyes on my back. I drew out my gun, prepared to fight whoever was stalking me. »Show yourself or I swear to God!« My words fell flat when I saw a shadow emerge from the back alley. »It's You - «


Waaah! Only ONE chapter left, and then on to the next one! :P

So, who is it that killed Annie? Any guesses, huh, HUH?! Tell me!!! #jk :D

After this, I'm going to make a little break (for about two days or so, just to figure out what I want with Book 2) and then, I'll be back more alive and well because Summer time is here and I won't have to worry with exams no more :P muaahahahahaha

Yeah, leave a comment, vote, text, whatevs - tell me whatcha think.

Love y'all. Ta ta <3

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