Chapter 13: No Pulse

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I left Adam at the party and went straight home. I needed to rethink the situation. My head hurt from all the affairs happening at once. I knew he was trouble but I got mixed up in his crazy shit anyway. My father always told me not to get involved in a cop's life and I obeyed his rules until that faithfull evening five years ago, when everything changed.

It wasn't really anyone's fault, my dad was working undercover in an Aryan Cult, trying to break their chain of command. One day, it all went South and he got killed in the crossfire. The police still don't know who killed him, so his death was declared an accident and the family didn't get any money. That was the day I swore to become a cop and make my father proud of his delinquent son. I quit smoking, stopped drinking, I even went to rehab and cut my dreadlocks. What can I say, I was a fucked up kid and my dad's death brought me back to reality. That is why I swore to continue in his footsteps and be exactly like him, so that I don't by any chance become myself again. Now, that ship has sailed. Ever since I met Adam, I started smoking again. I'm afraid if I let him, that he'll lead me back to the darkness. »What should I do, dad?« I turned to the sky.

Of course, no one answered. No one ever answers. Why do I even bother?

My phone started ringing it's God-awful ringtone. I picked it up in haste, not letting it get to the chorus. »Mike here.« A very familiar voice on the other line started talking. »Agent Donovan, we need to talk.« Then, the line was cut off. Fucking bureaucrats, not even caring about being polite. I guess I have to go back to the station, I wonder what this is all about?

I turned my car around and drove straight to the police station. Once there, I went straight to my boss's office. »You wanted to see me, sir?« I asked the older gentleman, sitting behind an enormous wooden desk. »Yes, Donovan. Come, sit!« Damn, he was cranky.

I sat down, my legs fidgeting around because I was always a tiny bit claustrophobic in a boss's office. Who wasn't, really? »Some incriminating evidence has come across my desk, claiming that you have been involved in a murder. What do you have to tell for yourself?« Fuck, did Adam kill the guy already? But who was it, he promised he would call as soon as he found out. Fuck! Now I'm an accomplice to the murder. Nice going, Mike! »I have no idea what you are talking about, chief.« He gave me one of his 'cop glares', tapping his fingers on the smooth surface of the desk. »I thought you'd say that. I really didn't see anything in the accusation. I had to run it through, though.«  That was interesting. »May I ask who accused me of these murder ties?« The chief smiled bitterly. »You know I can't do that, Donovan. Don't worry, it was probably just a prank.«

Yeah, a prank. Or my sister trying to get rid of me. But why, what is she planning?

*Ring, ring!* »Yes? Really… That's interesting. I'll do that right away. Yes, he's here… Sure, tell her I said hi.« I turned to the old man. »What is it?« He shook his head. »I'm sorry, Donovan. I have to let you go.« What?! »What the fuck, chief?! Why?« He glanced at the scenery outside his window. »It's not my choice, Donovan. The order came from upstairs. I'm really sorry. *sigh* Clean your desk and be out in half an hour or I will have to call the security.« He looked at me with pain in his tired, old eyes. »I really don't want to make a scene out of this, I held nothing but praise for your father and same goes for you. Don't throw it all away. Go find yourself a nice, stable job to support your boyfriend.«

I frowned, I never told anyone about Adam. »For fuck's sake! That's it, isn't it? You're firing me because I'm gay?! You're such a fucking hypocrite, John!« He lifted up his arms. »Michael, please don't do this.« I shook my head. »No. You know what, fuck you, John! If you had really liked my father, you would stick out your neck for his flamboyant gay son… Don't, John, just don't.« I brushed aside his pleading arms and stormed out of his office seconds before I heard the old man start crying. He deserved it, the old fuck, firing me for no reason.


I am the best at what I do, the best at what I used to do. Now I had nothing left. I had no job, no family, no Adam. He wasn't picking up his phone, making me worried. I needed him, I needed someone to stop me…


»Hey man, long time no see. I heard you was a cop now!« I smirked. »Jakey, I see you still can't spell for shit!« I hugged the guy. »So, is it true, you a cop now? 'Cuz you know, I don't want to snitches. It's bad for business!« I laughed. »For your information, I got fired today.« The man brushed away a lock of his honey blonde hair from his eye. »Aw, man. Whatcha do?« I leaned against the cold, wet brick of an abandoned building at which we met up. »Nothing. They fired me because I'm gay. Can you believe that shit?« Joey crossed his arms. »For reals? They been working with your ass for five years now and didn't know? Now that's just messed up. See here, I'm gonna give you an exception 'cuz you's like family. I got a new batch today, fresh from the bakers. It's yours if you wanna.« My hand started twitching. I really shouldn't but my phone still hasn't rung. Adam really was letting me out of the loop. »Sure, out with it!« Joey grinned. »I knew it. You can take the junkie from the hood but not the hood from the junkie.« I sighed. »I really don't know what you're talking about Joey, I'm clean. I haven't touched the stuff in years.« He frowned his forehead. »You sure you wanna start again, then? I mean, you was pretty messed up back in the day.« I unlocked my phone. No missed calls from anyone. No one cared. No one knew. No one gave a shit. I flashed Joey the most murderous look I had left in my fragile, tired body. »Spill it. I have some forgetting to do.«


I kept calling him but he didn't pick up. I was starting to get worried. What if something happened? Oh God, what if Angie finally lost it and killed him?

I picked up the gun Tony gave me, tucked it behind my belt and ran to Mike's apartment. The only reason I knew where it was was because Angie took me there one time. Oh please, please don't be dead. »I'm coming Mike!« I yelled to no one in particular, reassuring myself of my own existence.


The stairs flew by me while I ran to the top floor of his building. All the apartments looked the same but I found his rather quickly and the door… was open. »Mike!« My voice broke, while I was trying not to freak out. »Michael, talk to me! Where are you?!«

The apartment was badly lit so I barely knew where I was walking. At one point my foot got stuck and I fell over something warm and very humanly shaped. »Mike…« I whispered. »Oh, my God, baby! What have you done to yourself?!«

He didn't answer me. How could he? There was no pulse.


Hello there, all my beautiful peeps!

I know, I know - Mike and Adam should be together. But wait, there's more! I'm not done with this story yet, so don't just go killing me for no reason. I expect to get another 3 or 4 chapters out of this bad boy and THEN there shall be a Part 2! You excited? I know I am!!! :D

So, tell me what you thought, leave a comment, VOTE or just read the damn book. :P

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Love ya, munchkins. Ta ta <3

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